Episode 2641: Vote like a Catholic: Part 6 - The Role of Catholic Leadership and Lay Influence

3 months ago

Sharon (Host): "Welcome back to our podcast! Today, we’ll be discussing the important relationship between Catholic leadership both clergy and laity and how each has a vital role in guiding society toward truth and justice. This topic is especially critical in today's world, where political and social decisions can have lasting moral consequences. As always, I’m joined by Walt, our co-host. Walt, what are your thoughts on the role of Catholic leadership?"

Walt (Co-host): Thanks, Sharon. You know, one of the most profound quotes that really frames our discussion today comes from St. Ignatius of Loyola, who said, 'Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God.' This is the balance that every Catholic must strive for, especially when engaging in political or social matters. The clergy are called to guide the faithful, and lay Catholics are called to engage the world directly together, they can help bring about a society rooted in Catholic values.

Sharon: Exactly, Walt. St. Ignatius highlights that while we must act, we can’t forget to trust in God. Priests and bishops have a spiritual responsibility to teach and guide us, while laypeople are especially called to engage in political and social issues. But there’s a delicate balance. Pope Benedict XVI, in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est, reminds us that “the Church cannot and must not replace the State, but also'cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight for justice.”

Walt: Right, and this is where Catholic social teaching plays such an essential role. It gives both clergy and laity the moral framework to engage with the world in a way that promotes the dignity of the human person and the common good. However, we need to be cautious of clericalism where only the clergy are seen as responsible for the moral guidance of society and instead, empower the laity to take active roles in political life.

Sharon: That’s a key point. One of the greatest challenges is ensuring that our involvement whether clerical or lay does not become too partisan. The Church transcends political ideologies. Our faith calls us to a higher standard. That’s why bishops and priests are called to form consciences on non-negotiable moral principles, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom, without aligning themselves with political parties. This way, their voice remains prophetic and free to critique any political system when it conflicts with the Gospel.

Walt: Exactly, and this brings us to the laity's unique role in influencing society. Lay Catholics, by their very nature, are called to be active in the world, engaging with political structures to bring about change that reflects Catholic values. One powerful example is St. Thomas More, who remained loyal to the teachings of the Church even when it cost him his life. As Lord Chancellor, he refused to approve King Henry VIII's divorce, standing up for truth and justice. His martyrdom reminds us of the importance of moral integrity in political life.

Sharon: Yes, and another example is Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian farmer who refused to support the Nazi regime during World War II. He paid the ultimate price for standing against injustice. His example teaches us that lay Catholics often face difficult choices when standing up for the faith, but their witness can transform societies.

Walt: Absolutely. And Pope Leo XIII’s encouragement of Catholic Action further highlights how the laity can be empowered. Catholic Action was a lay movement that had a significant influence on labor laws and social policies in alignment with Catholic teaching. It reminds us that the Church needs both clergy and laity to work together to restore society in Christ, as Pope St. Pius X said.

Sharon: That’s a great point, Walt. While the clergy have a duty to teach Catholic social principles, it’s the laity who must apply those teachings concretely in the political sphere. We are the hands and feet of Christ in the world, shaping laws and policies to reflect His Gospel.

Walt: And we must do all of this while avoiding clericalism, which limits the laity's role. The Second Vatican Council emphasized the laity’s responsibility to bring Christ’s teachings into family life, work, and politics. By empowering lay leadership, we allow the Church to reach all parts of society.

Sharon: Yes, and overcoming clericalism doesn’t diminish the priesthood. Rather, it ensures that both clergy and laity serve according to their proper vocations. In this way, we can promote a society that is just and in line with Catholic values.

Walt: Right. And as Catholics, our political engagement must always be balanced with prayer. St. Paul urges us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” So, while we take action, we must also trust in God’s providence."

Sharon: Exactly. And that’s the heart of today’s message we need both clergy and laity to work together in this collaborative mission for Christ. Each of us has a role in building a just society. Through prayer, discernment, and action, we can help shape a world that reflects the justice and mercy of Christ.

Walt: And that begins with us recognizing our responsibility whether we are in the pew or in the pulpit. As Catholics, we are called to act in the world, not just as citizens, but as witnesses to the truth of the Gospel. St. Ignatius reminds us again to act as if everything depended on us, but trust as if everything depended on God. That’s the essence of Catholic political involvement.

Sharon: Well said, Walt. And as we conclude today’s episode, let us remember that faithful political involvement is a shared responsibility between the clergy and the laity. Through our collaborative efforts, we can advance the Kingdom of God here on earth. Let’s close with a prayer.
Series Conclusion
So as we wrap up the series “Vote like a Catholic” let me conclude.
In all things, Catholics are reminded that their ultimate allegiance lies not with earthly rulers or political systems, but with God and His eternal Kingdom. While they are called to be active and responsible citizens, engaging in the political sphere to promote justice and the common good, their hearts must remain fixed on heaven. Every action, vote, and advocacy is an opportunity to witness to Christ, but the final victory has already been won through His death and resurrection. Trusting in God’s providence, Catholics can confidently navigate the challenges of political life, knowing that no matter the outcome, their true citizenship is in heaven, where Christ reigns forever.
Concluding Prayer: (Sharon) "Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of leadership in the Church, both from our clergy and from the laity. We ask for the grace to serve You faithfully in all that we do, especially in the political sphere. May our actions be rooted in Your truth and love, always seeking to promote the common good. Grant our leaders wisdom and humility, and help us, as lay Catholics, to engage the world with courage, integrity, and charity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."

Sharon: Thank you for joining us today. Be sure to tune in for our next episode as we continue exploring how Catholics can live out their faith in today’s world. God bless!

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