An appeal to Czech and Slovak Bishops’ Conferences to repent

4 months ago

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Dear members of the ČBK and KBS, successors of Christ’s apostles,
excuse me, I am sorry, because you yourselves publicly demonstrate that you are not apostles of Christ, just as Judas was no longer one when he betrayed Christ.
Unlike the bishops of Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and all the bishops of Africa, you have risen in rebellion against Christ. You have openly embraced the antichrist pseudo-gospel of Fiducia supplicans. In doing so, you are promoting and, moreover, blessing the outrageous sin of sodomy. In spiritual unity with the Bergoglio sect, you deceive people into not repenting!
On the contrary, you were obliged to tell them the truth and call them to repentance so that their souls might be saved! Many of them would then be freed from the bondage and the dark background that is associated with this grave sin of impurity. You know that Jesus set people bound by demons free! You are doing the opposite. You are doing mission for these negative spiritual entities. By your act of publicly endorsing Fiducia supplicans, you have unmasked the religious brainwashing machine called the ČBK and KBS. You have allowed yourselves to be brainwashed by it and now you are brainwashing the Czech and Slovak Catholics.
Through your apostate gesture of publicly accepting the sodomite anti-gospel Fiducia supplicans, you have denied sin as such. In doing so, you have denied the entire Ten Commandments and the commandments of Christ. By denying sin and embracing the sodomite anti-gospel, you also abrogate the Creed. Its essence is faith in Jesus as the Saviour who paid for our sins with His death. By denying sin, you deny our Lord and Saviour. From that moment on, the mention of Jesus in your mouth has been just a religious phrase. You have become religious impostors. You speak of God, but you are in rebellion against Him. You talk about Christ, but you no longer take Him seriously as Saviour from our sins, because you already bless sin. You talk about the Holy Spirit, but in reality you serve the spirit of antichrist. You have publicly renounced our Lord Jesus Christ! But you refuse to acknowledge this truth, and thus you refuse saving repentance. You have brought a curse not only on yourselves, but also on Czech and Slovak Catholics.
Out of so-called obedience to the invalid pope, you promoted experimental mRNA vaccination, not to mention your vaccination frenzy during the pseudo pope’s visit. It was a vaccine tragicomedy that you performed in Bratislava, Košice, Prešov and elsewhere. To this day, not one of you has publicly repented for it or apologised to the misled and affected people. Many are already dead through your fault. You have shown that you are not spiritual leaders but misleaders.
May the courageous Czech activist be a reproach to your conscience. He is able to say a word of truth that a Catholic will not hear from your mouth.
“I would like to think that our current society is a madhouse, where the lunatics have temporarily taken over the institution and turned normal people into patients. But it’s worse. And then I would like to say today, remind us of two stories, what we were facing. You all still remember the story of the bat who was meeting the snake in Wuhan, China. And after that, they were scaring the society, they were banning the antivirals, silencing all professional opposition, they came with so-called vaccines. The results of the clinical trials were not presented to the public; in fact, they were not even done properly. Commercial contracts were not made public. The risks of vaccination have not been presented. Anyone who wanted to discuss vaccines was immediately labelled as a charlatan, antivaxxer or misinformer, including the inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr Malone. Public discussion of such a serious issue as the application of an experimental substance containing genetic material to whole of humanity was totally suppressed. Meanwhile, here in European Parliament, behind the closed doors, the officers of European Union made deals, billion-dollar deals, from public budgets. And in member countries, because of the state of emergency which was called during the pandemic, they covered everything without tenders. And we still in Czech Republic in this year, we are still getting rid of unnecessary vaccines for almost 40 million euros per month.” (L. Vrabel)
You, dear apostles of Fiducia supplicans, are unable to call anyone to repentance. Why is that? Because you yourselves avoid truth and repentance, just as the devil avoids the cross!
In Norway these days various Christian groups have issued a declaration in defence of God’s commandments concerning moral standards. They have spoken out clearly against gender ideology in particular and thus, in fact, against Fiducia supplicans. You, on the other hand, destroy these moral norms by approving Fiducia supplicans, thus siding with the devil and rising in rebellion against God.
Dear members of the KBS and ČBK, I really no longer have the courage to call you apostles of Christ. I do not want to address here the question of whether you are validly administering the sacraments in this state. In any case, your sacraments are dubium.
Therefore, stop looking at each other or at the decisions of the monster called the KBS and ČBK. Each one of you individually must take a responsible stand before God and renounce Fiducia supplicans. Repent even at the cost of being expelled by the invalid pope from his anti-church. That will only be to your credit in the hour of death.
Will at least one of you stand up against the Moloch to whom immortal souls are sacrificed? May God, through the intercession of the Mother of God, have mercy on the suffering Czech and Slovak people!

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