Discover The Spirit's Strength

2 months ago

Summary - In 2 Timothy 1:7, the Apostle Paul reminds Timothy that God has endowed believers with a spirit characterized by power, love, and self-control, rather than fear. The term 'gave' signifies a divine bestowal, suggesting that these qualities are gifts from God. 'Spirit' refers to the inner disposition granted by God, which is not one of 'fear'—implying timidity or cowardice—but one marked by 'power' (strength and boldness), 'love' (selfless care for others), and 'self-control' (disciplined, sound mind). This contrast serves as both a warning against succumbing to fear and an encouragement to embrace the divine attributes for a life of faith and effectiveness. God Bless You!

Music - Loves Serenade / Top-Flow

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