Law 2: Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends | 48 laws of power| The Hidden Rule of power and success

4 months ago

🔴Never trust your friends too much—they can turn on you in ways you never expect. In today’s video, we’re diving deep into Robert Greene’s second law of power: Never Put Too Much Trust in Friends, Learn How to Use Enemies. Through gripping historical examples—from Byzantine Emperor Michael III’s betrayal by his friend Basilius, to Cesare Borgia’s ruthless use of his enemy Ramiro d’Orco—we’ll explore why enemies, not friends, may be your greatest asset in your journey to power. Plus, we'll break down practical tips for applying this law in your workplace, relationships, and social circles. Stay until the end for a critical analysis of this controversial law! If you're ready to level up your understanding of power dynamics, hit like, subscribe, and let’s get started!

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