I have been defrocked from facebook and I am okay with this

3 months ago

I have been defrocked from facebook and I am perfectly fine with this. The reason why I am perfectly fine with this is they wouldn't give me a direct answer, just the blanket answer that my profile didn't meet community standards. Facebooks business model is based on targeted ads based on the information you supply and what you type. Facebook also has expenses that they have to pay in order to stay operational. This is just a theory and my opinion, I think facebook nixed access to my profile because they couldn't target any specific ads to me to click on. I am totally okay with this but I think it will reach a point in the next 10 years where their business model will change in a way that if you bought something new and talk about it and didn't bother to buy the next version of said item or talk about a particular subject or provide any updates, they will axe your profile.

If you uploaded a ton of pictures then you lose access to them. In a sense facebook owns what you upload, you do not.


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