Maid In Heaven ~ Be Bop Deluxe

4 months ago

So once again - as the North American Public grows rapidly aware of abundant credible data substantiating the unknown to ineffective impact Abilify has on improving mental health, notices abundant credible data indicating Abilify contrarily causes mental health problems and mortality, as it grows apparent a primary target population for Abilify are homeless and / or justice-involved persons, that much of said target market is pushed to take it by street-medicine solicitors (many of whom are often unqualified to correctly diagnose psychiatric medical needs); and that many homeless people are coerced into taking either concentrated injections or trackable digital pill versions of Abilify as a condition upon receiving housing benefits offered yet never delivered....  Now, once again, somehow a hazadous foreign big pharma drug swiftly losing its market for the right reasons - is saved by the deep pockets of a UC medical racket, that can't seem to ever keep itself from tinkering with disabled and homeless Veterans to death, while misrepresenting themselves as heroes to those whose National Home they steal from Our U.S. Federal Government and its Taxpayers.

Some may conclude this horrific proliferation of Abilify, throughout the National Soldiers Home's disabled and formerly homeless Veteran Resident Population by UC and Co. - is even worse than when UC researcher Patrick Soon-Schiong guineapigged disabled Soldiers Home Residents for years on the Public dime, to Publicly develop the immunotherapy treatments he and Lee Iacocca subsequently stole, to privately price South-African Soon-Schiong into the multi-billionaire status affording his Los Angeles Times takeover, to carry with slandering and misrepresenting disabled homeless Veterans out of their National Home.

Yet I conclude this walks Los Angeles County right back into the hell of UC's most-psycho med chief Louis Jolyon West, proudly reporting to Congress On Record in the 1970's; details of his new programs 'managing' thousands of disabled Veteran Soldiers Home Residents with "Chemical Lobotomies"; while practically helming the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Hygiene, as in what Jonathan Sherin would later run as the Department of Mental Health - ensuring UC had plenty of disabled and homeless Veterans' lives in supply, to assail with nonconsensual 'research' dark enough for Congress to Suspend as equating to "Nuremberg violations"; and motivating President Clinton to Publicly apologize for it On Record during a National Press Confrence.

UCLA, off the VA.  If anyone wants one of hundreds of very substantial good reasons why it's significantly hazardous to disabled and homeless Veterans, for UC to continue illegally misusing and stealing National Soldiers Home Deeds-Restricted, Federal Land even for one more day - add its empirically debilitating Abilfy chemical lobotomy program: upon those preferring not to be pushed deadly and ineffective drugs to 'passify' their voice, character and true community (presuming one survives contra-indicated overdose); in a very profitable racket of psychologically disconnecting minds from their bodies.

Well Haymish, maybe I'm finally beginning to understand how you fit in too?  Sorry if it took me awhile but the notion of a career big-pharma pusher suddenly becoming an illegal Enhanced Use Lease housing development and management executive had me perplexed for awhile, as may reasonably be understood by an average citizen.



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