Raising Your Vibration Is Easy—Here’s the Hard Part

3 months ago

Raising your vibration is easy, all you have to do is have more FUN!

Because what is high vibration? it is you experiencing and living through emotions such as happiness, joy, love, etc.

And to embody them all you have to do is have more fun

But this is easy, the hard part is maintaining this state throughout your day.

Because when you start experiencing these emotions and try your best to live through them, your mind starts playing tricks on you.

It's like you have never lived in a "high vibrational state" for a long time and suddenly when you are trying to shift, it doesn't feel normal.

And when things don't feel normal/familiar, your internal mind doesn't feel safe. So it starts to find ways to pull you back down to the old ways of self-sabotage and negative thinking.

To battle this all you have to do is come to terms with your inner demons and reprogram your subconscious mind. Because you cannot escape your subconscious mind.

You have to create a new NORMAL in your subconscious mind.

That only happens when you shed off these old belief systems and add in new belief systems. It's like deleting old files and installing a new program.

Even this is relatively easy. The biggest challenge is to stay in "STATE" when your external reality is trying its best to trigger you.

Because when you shift your state internally, you also influence the external reality around you. Because your external reality is a mirror reflection of your internal reality.

It's like when I was an addict and stopped this cycle of addiction; I lost friends. The only thing I had in common with these friends was getting high together. So when getting high was taken out of the equation, of course, things started to change.

And for a while, it felt like I had a mini identity crisis because I didn't know who I was.

This change was unfamiliar, and it took a while for this new reality to cement itself.

And it's the same process here....

When you shift internally by raising your vibrational state you are essentially causing an anomaly in reality. As reality prefers balance, it sends out balancing forces from the universe to come and put you back on track.

This is explained in the book "Reality Transurfing" by Vadim Zeland.
Get the book here: https://amzn.to/3Y6S30z

So basically reality is testing you if you'll "EMOTIONALLY REACT" and fall back to your old world.

But if you stay persistent and stay in state, you'll essentially shift to a new reality that you desire.

But if you give in and emotionally react to these triggers, you'll fall back into the same old reality.

Once you shift internally, it takes a while for reality to mirror itself to your internal shift, so all you have to do at this time is to stay persistent so that the balancing forces do not put you back to your old reality.

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