The Altar

4 months ago

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The altar

Prophetic word
13 October 2024 05.05
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

What are you bringing to My alter? , says the Lord of Host.

Don't you know that your heart is an altar?

Your lifestyle and your actions and your thoughts are showing Me what you are carrying.

In that moment you are choosing to do something evil and you are out of alignment with Me, it grieves Me.

Don't you know that I Am running after you with My goodness?

At that moment you decide to change your heart posture. I will turn My face towards you and keep you safe.

My thoughts:
Jesus made a better covenant than the old testament. God saw that mankind could not keep the covenant, so God sacrificed his own beloved son for ransom.
Your heart is an altar, so the Holy Spirit can dwell in you. What your heart contain, your mouth will speak.

2 Chronicles 14:3
2 Kings 23:5
Psalm 23:6 Goodness shall follow
1 Samuel 15:22
Proverbs 21

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