October 9h 2024 - Countrywide Outreach ThinkTank Meeting

3 months ago

Meeting minutes/notes:
David Gall presented:
Host an all nighter/ 24 hr Town Hall -call/forum on America for Q & A.
Each State Assembly will volunteer a few members to host the call during an assigned period of time.
Hosts will rotate according to their time zone.
Enterprise system in accordance with Claude AI system to generate FAQ's where each state can add them to their website as resources to help with redundancy.
Compile all podcasts, webinars, and articles and use AI to create a resource log to find information faster.
Need volunteers to help train the AI program.
Need volunteers to volunteer as hosts for the townhall calls.
Some concerns were: Issues with intelectual property, closed source not open source.

Louise Campbell- Anthony presented; The American Government Resurgence Project:
Waiting on Anna's approval before we launch- but we are getting closer!!!
"Volunteers" tab needed to be added to the website.
PKTF will create a letter to present to each State Assembly soliciting their participation.
Documents will be uploaded to the Icedrive account in pdf format with editing capabilities for all Assemblies to have access.
November meeting we will be discussing the strategy to move forward.
Volunteers needed for the Strategy Task Force.- See next e-mail for sign-ups/volunteers needed

Kimberly Watling, Amy Hunt, and Bobby Cirello presented the Ham radios:
Took over old Nextel system.
300 in legacy account.
Used for emergencies.
Capabilities to talk on a private channel.
4-G, faster, encripted, 4-channel gateway, mobile repeater.
K over C/ DMR combining as one.
Have been used recently to help with search and rescue efforts in North Carolina.
"Emergency" section on your State Assembly website.
Check out Michigan's Emergency page on their website here: https://mymichiganassembly.land/

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