Two Mystery School Minions Hiding Brainchip-Zombie Bio-Robots

2 months ago
43 The Knights Templar symbol is two pyramids inside a circle. "Turn the symbol upside-down... and you will see the truth." they say...

And now-a-days, the Vatican(Rome) is ruled by the Homo capensis, elongated-skull, ancient, failed-mankind that created the Mystery-School(cUlt) which covertly installs brain implants capable to bio-robot or remote-control a human body to behave like zombies or slithering snakes. There are so many TI(targeted-individual) now that an exorcism/per/day is possible.
The "demons" that possess a body are Luciferians on the other end of the microwave wireless link through the prison-grid. It is called "heterodyning" by contract workers:
Brainchipzombies are heterodyned bio-robots:

In order for the brain interface to inject voices and remote control a living biological body... a sufficient about of "magnetic nano-particles" needs to be in the blood and tissue around the neurons. Polina Anikeeva exposed this, but lied to say it was futuristic... instead it is very ancient tech from past civilizations that built the pyramids like at Giza.

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