Juan O'Savin. China Busted on 2020 Election Fraud. 2024 Elections Saved. B2T Show, Dec 12, 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- Road Trip and PRAYER- Blessed2Teach 8 28 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- God's Authority in Our World - Blessed2Teach 6 18 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- Our Lives Are Secure in Prayer- Blessed2Teach 6 18 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- LAHAINA FIRES and DEW Weapons- BLESSED2Teach 4 10 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- Tucker /Putin, Tina Peters, John G Lake PRAYER- B2T 2 9 2024
JUAN O SAVIN- The BIBLICAL PROSPECTIVE GOD & Country - Blessed2Teach 7 6 2023
JUAN O SAVIN- The Ukraine THE SCAM-Blessed to Teach Part One 3 2 2023


4 months ago

Short with Rick his whole program is here: https://rumble.com/v5ki6y2-juan-osavin-live.-trump-surge-near-death-experience-b2t-show-oct-28-2024.html clipped to just Juan's part of the program.
Juan covers only a couple of topics. The fact is what he thinks is going on is like a mirror of what happened in 2020. The opposite of this will be a bit telling. Are they going to do what we SAID was done to Trump? When Trump wins? Just be Careful and don't be Naive. And he points out the Debbie Downer syndrome. Yes that is a bit tiring. This applies to Danny Downers too btw.
GOD'S WILL BE DONE. Watch for it.
Here is Patrick Byrnes new film. It cost $4.99.
Please take a look! The Enemy Within Docuseries (All 3 Episodes) https://rumble.com/v5jq48a-the-enemy-within-docuseries-all-3-episodes.html

The numbers and the silver market post Juan talked about is here.. in case you have not seen it.
From Gumroad posted on X.com here: https://x.com/JuanOSavin107/status/1849353781454193035
also posted on Telegram here: https://t.me/JUANOSAVIN107/2291
Hi folks, I want to share with you that this new PRE-SALE of the "By Dawn I Win" Colored coin - a Magador 2024 Limited Edition - will be the final coin for this year.

For the "By Dawn I Win" Magador Classic (non colorized) coins, which were on pre-order are being fulfilled this week. So if you ordered up to ten days ago, your order should be getting ready to go by tomorrow or this weekend.

As always, I'm giving you here at Gumroad, the first opportunity on new coin and book releases. This new coin is available here as a pre-sale and at a discount before the general release.

However, first, let me tell you something interesting that occurred over the last several days in the silver markets. It may just be a fun accident in the matrix. Then again, it could be a secret "handshake" message. You decide.

As many of you are aware from my work in the 80’s I became privy to the coded communications used in the monetary and metals trading systems - hidden numbers coded in plain sight. Some of the messaging is more overt and most is very covert.

On Friday, October 18th the silver spot market closed with a buy price at 33.67. On Monday, October 21st the market opened at that price, and then danced and paused on that same price at what I interpret as coded times and within the ‘BUY’ side of the spot pricing. I also noted mirroring on the sell side in other markets I follow. Why is that so interesting? It could be that it is an insider wink concerning timing.

Do you see it? What does 100% minus 67% equal?

In magic, it’s not always about what you see. It's about you did not see that's right in plain sight. Think mirrored reflections - as above so below. In the occult, hidden languages can only be readily seen or understood by the initiated. And if you do see it, are you able to interpret the meaning?

In other words, what we see "there" is "there" for a reason. A closing and opening number in any of the trading markets is generally mundane but when they are not - and especially when they bracket a weekend, multi-day closure - where as many of those involved will get a chance to see and mutually communicate those number triggers. When this happens, I PAY ATTENTION!

Like any cryptographic code, you would generally need a ‘current’ code book to know how to interpret the current message. We don’t have access to that current code book so the code's current meaning is very open to interpretation and best guesses. I’ve followed these number communications intensely for just shy of four decades. While some of these communications and meanings have morphed, the most critical parts are unchanged.

To sum it up, something is up in the silver markets and being communicated right in plain sight. It’s obviously very volatile to the upside, pay attention.

With that in mind, the last coin we will be releasing for 2024 is going to be ready for delivery shortly. I think it’s our best coin yet, it’s the "By Dawn I Win" Colored Magador 2024 Limited Edition. It was especially hard to get all the minute details correct but I think the mint nailed it. As I noted a couple weeks ago, we can only get a limited number minted before the holidays and the end of the year so when they’re gone, they are gone.

As I’ve stated previously, I think that the image of President Trump as the Magador killing the Deep State Bull is iconic and, in the future, the way that we and future generations will choose to remember President Trump and his role at this moment in history!!! It’s also a hat tip to all of this audience who are symbolically Magadors within their families and communities. We are banding together as we seek to destroy and neutralize the Deep State's control of our lives and future!

This new coin's 2024 year and date is important because it shows our place as early adopters in understanding our place in history. Beyond the collectibility of the coin itself, silver has already doubled in price in the year since we first released the 2023 coin ‘SLAVES NO MORE’ and its value has also doubled for those who purchased it. Who knows what may happen over the next year….another double? Let time tell us.

Lastly, the meme on the coin "By Dawn I Win" has a great story, it is the highlight of the song ‘Nessus Dorma’ from the Italian Opera ‘Turnadot’. You hear it at every Trump Rally as well as at his home at Mar-a-Lago. In the song, the hero sings "By Dawn I Win!!!” Pavarotti sings it best in my opinion. If you order quickly you can have it for an amazing holiday gift and all the fun discussions to follow.



Store Link: https://allpatriots.gumroad.com

PS: Here is a link to my favorite version of Nessun Dorma as sung by Pavarotti.
Luciano Pavarotti sings "Nessun dorma" from Turandot (The Three Tenors in Concert 1994) https://youtube.com/watch?v=cWc7vYjgnTs

OH and at the Rally yesterday at Madison Square Garden 10 27 2024 ended with the song NEW YORK, NEW YORK... and it was PERFECT!
Start spreading the news, you're leaving today (tell 'em, Frank)
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York
Your vagabond shoes, they are longing to stray
And step around the heart of it, New York, New York
I wanna wake up in that city, that doesn't sleep
And find your king of the hill, top of the heap
Your small town blues, they're melting away
I'm gonna make a brand-new start of it, in old New York
You always make it there, you make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York
In New York, New York
I wanna wake up in that city, that doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill, top of the list (you bet)
A number one, king of the hill
These little town blues, they have all melted away
And I'm gonna make a brand-new start of it, right there in old New York
You better believe it, folks
You always make it there, you make it anywhere
Come on, come through, New York, New York
New York
Frank Sinatra does it the best:

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