Empire of the Ants (Demo)

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I've been eyeballing video cards for a potential upgrade. For that, I really need to know where my rig falls short, so I've been downloading games in my library that are more resource intensive, and looking for anything that can give me a point of reference. This game is made with Unreal Engine 5, and it looks fantastic, and those criteria are actually what I'm looking for in terms of knowing what my current rig can do. This one is set to come out in ten days for PC and Xbox.

There's a weird graphical bug where at least one ground texture isn't drawing at all, and it just looks like I'm walking on glass or air or something, and can see under the environment. Not a bug I'd like to see in a game that's being released in ten days, especially since I think this game rides on the visual appeal quite a bit.

My rig is a 10700 i7, 16GB RAM, and an AMD RX6600. I was getting 45-50 FPS at max settings, with dips as low as 39FPS when it was busiest on screen. Not great, but perfectly playable on a tactical game like this. Probably unacceptable for a competitive FPS on the same engine though, which means I should at least upgrade my graphics card if I want to play at higher settings on new Unreal Engine 5 games.

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