Tuesday Morning PlainSpoken Live Stream (October 29, 2024)

Streamed on:

In this stream, I will discuss...
1. Bishops assigned to new episcopal areas in the GMC (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/DfUY9zkBX1EuoH5r/) AND (https://globalmethodist.org/global-episcopacy-committee-announces-bishop-assignments/)
2. Rev. Debra McKnight, UMC elder, preached in favor of Jezebel spirit (https://x.com/Protestia/status/1850827645702767053).
3. Alabama churches begin to sue and the law refuses to keep them from doing so (https://www.al.com/news/2024/10/united-methodists-ask-court-to-keep-44-alabama-churches-from-suing-for-their-property-judge-declines.html?outputType=amp)

Then I will have a conversation with my fellow GMC elder, Tozoona Jacob Maforo.

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