The Conquest Of The World By The Jews | (1878) | Major Osman Bey | [Audio]

3 months ago

(To skip the preface go to 2:41)

"Every non-Jew must read this book from cover-to-cover because only then will the non-Jew discover how 'The Principle of Material Interests' enslaves the people by financial oppression. It illustrates that Jewish solidarity is so great, that, if you attack one Jew in any particular place, all the Jews of the five continents arise as one man.
Original copies of this book entered in the Library of Congress at Washington, D.C., in the New York, Chicago and other large city libraries have been removed and never returned. The reason is obvious!
There has been nothing written on this subject during the past 200 years to compare with what you are about to read. In fact, we of WESTERN FRONT doubt that anything ever written can compare with the contents contained herein because this is the only work which has revealed the result from the application of the principle of material interests. The author says: "The Jewish people have, in all probability, been the first ones to discover that secret power - the principle of material interests.”
We, of WESTERN FRONT are determined to break the stranglehold the Jews have on the masses because the people of the world cannot survive with such parasites in its society. We declare - 'As Christians united we will be victorious!'

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