What do the hottest sauces taste like? Join us for part 3 of my hot sauce collection discussion

4 months ago

Looking for a new hot sauce to try? Wondering what foods to put your hot sauces on? Come join us as we discuss in depth more sauces. This is part 3 of a more detailed discussion of a previous video where we tried to guess the hot sauce https://rumble.com/vv3y2w-who-can-blind-guess-the-most-hot-sauces-correctly-game.html

Blue Ridge Pepper Patch links:

Need some sauces? Save $10 at Heatonist.com with our special link! HTTP://RWRD.IO/RCH2XGF

Sauces: (may contain affiliate links)
Bhutlia fire https://amzn.to/39qi4kx
Queen majesty https://amzn.to/3ObzjFd
Bravado spice co https://bravadospice.com/
Hellfire Kranked https://amzn.to/3xmxKxh
Da Bomb evolution https://heatonist.com/products/da-bomb-hot-sauce?variant=31927411998818
Torchbearer Garlic Reaper https://www.torchbearersauces.com/product/garlic-reaper/
Hot Ones xxx https://heatonist.com/products/hot-ones-the-last-dab?variant=378416136201
Hot ones Apollo https://heatonist.com/products/the-last-dab-apollo?variant=31838990499938

Our equipment (contains affiliate links)
Sony Handycam
Some lighting

#hotones #BRPP #spicy

00:00 intro
00:19 Chile lengua de Fuego Bhutlia Fire
00:54 Queen Majesty scotch bonnet ginger
01:28 Bravado spice co Aka miso
01:48 Bravado spice co black garlic reaper
02:03 Hellfire Kranked
03:32 Torchbearer garlic reaper
04:12 Hot Ones Last dab XXX and Apollo

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