A Strong Delusion

4 months ago

October 27, 2024
Xander Cage 4
2 Thessalonians 2:11
We all need to be prayerful. They talk about “fog of war.” We are under a great delusion. Living in a stupor.
I am going to make a very broad assumption, most of you have drank alcohol to excess, at least once in your life time.

We, as a people of the last age, are extremely intoxicated with the flesh, the messages of the music, prescription petroleum based medicines, focused on our calling, our work, our avocation.

We are all guilty of poking our head into a book, or workbook, or a laptop, to then develop tunnel vision.

If this is a simulation and the scales fall from our eyes and we can see, not through a glass darkly, and without the scales over our eyes so we cannot only see but hear the TRUTH.
How appropriate last 3 digits
I’ve been thinking we have so long, possibly eons, we’ve been under a spell of delusion. When the scales (reptile scales) fall from our eyes we shall see the world,
We shall see Jesus for Who He really Is-God-The-Son.
Noah had a dilution
We have a delusion
Acts 9:18

We’re Still Here!?!?!

End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ •

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