A Short Poem about my mother ... titled, "PUSSY"

4 months ago

From award-winning Poet, Author, Novelist of 7 books on the power of human consciousness and how Mind Body practices are proven scientifically to profoundly unveil the profound potential in all of us.

His books include:
"New 2nd Edition; The Gospel of Science: Mind Blowing New Science on Ancient Truths to Heal Our Stress, Lives, and Planet" NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON AUDIBLE BOOKS: Hear a 5 minute audio sample at:

"Songs of Our Ascension: The Book of Poetry Sung to the Tune of our Power, Beauty, and a Building Revolution of Consciousness" (Award-winning Poetry)

"The Tao of Tai Chi: The Making of a New Science" (Instruction/Inspiration)

"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tai Chi & Qigong" (Instructional/Inspiration)

"The Amateur Parent: A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe" (Inspiration)

"2012 The Awakening" (Best Novel of the Year, nothing else came even close--Spiritual Enlightenment Magazine)

"A Conspiracy of Spirits" (Novel)

Douglas is the Founder of World Tai Chi Day (www.WorldTaiChiDay.org) and the Global Transformation Project (www.GlobalTransformationProject.org)

#science #poetry #god #spirtuality #poem #political #progressive #media #revolution

Our NEW book on the science of your consciousness, and mind body's ability to heal us and the world is NOW AVAILABLE ON AUDIBLE BOOK FORMAT: 5 minute excerpt (note, some browsers won't play this Amazon.com Audio excerpt, so IF that happens, just copy and past this link into another browser, and it'll work fine.)

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