Let's Talk - Kamala and the Border - The Wilting Tree

4 months ago

Kamal Harris recently to the border for the first time since 2021.
The Biden Administration including her are responsible for what has happened at the border.

Trump was building a wall, he had a stay-in mexico policy.
When Biden got in, he spent the first 2 months writing over a hundred Executive orders. MANY of those went to opening the border in one way or the other. Including cancellling the stay in mexico order.

But he did much more that that. For 3 years he lied to the American people that the border was secure until it got to the point where he couldn't lie anymore. Then he just blamed Trump.

He also put Kamal in charge of border security. I don't care if you call her the Border Zar or not but she was FACTUALLY put in charge of the border. This is Easily proven despite what the left are saying about itl. And while in charge she did nothing. And hasn't even visited the border since 2021.

After BIden opened the borders, AZ and TX tried to take action to save their own states. Biden sued them.

The Biden administration also sold the remaining border wall materials pennies-to-the dollar.

SO the only action his administration, including Kamala has ever taken in regards to the border is to open it.
And why did they do this? Because they are beholden to UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 and the elites that control and own the UN and the WEF.

Some want to argue Trump stopped the bill for border security. But that bill was a joke. It was secure before they opened it. The bill was theatrics to make morons think they were doing something about the border. But the bill explicitly allowed thousands of entries per day before any action was to be taken. Smoke and mirrors from the people who opened it in the first place.

Certain groups have wanted this since Agenda 21 was signed in 1992. and Dr John Coleman published a book, the Story of the Committee of 300, which explained this further. The point is to flood our system with people of alien cultures so they dont share our values and dont understand our Consitution or way of life. The people they paid and imported in will either be too busy trying to survive so they dont fight for our way of life or they are a part of the pkan.

You need to be alarmed about the people the Biden Admonistration flew in directly. THey are most likely part of the bigger plan. THe Venezuelan Gangs taking over some cities appear to be mercenaries according to some reports.
And in Tennessee when an illegal went to shoot up a kids birthday party, the father was able to tackle the man first. When they arrested the illegal, he was interviewed and they asked why he did it.

He told them he was told to do that once he got over the border. We have heard similar things across Europe. This is the plan.

MAny of these people are here to start another color revolution like Arab Spring. Which GEorge Soros had a hand in, so this all has Soros fingerprints all over it. Not to mention the Clinton FOundation provind supplies to the caravans in PAnama.

The select ones are here to push Agenda 21 and 2030 and help dismantle our country. Cause chaos and possible even become the UN PEacekeepers whenthe time is right. Which is why they are portected by the governmetn and the media.

Votng for Kamala is a joke and will ensure the demise of our country. Do you really want that for your children?

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