COVD Secrets Bonus Episode 1

4 months ago

Long Covid Challenge Presentation click link below:
It says, “Statistically significant predictors of long C0VID… two doses of C0VID-19 vaccination”

In medicine, doctors pledge to “do no harm.”

Yet the use of experimental vaccines to treat post-infection conditions like Long C0VlD is doing exactly that…


The spike protein from these vaxxes lingers in your body for months…

Causing a whole host of aggravating symptoms.

The long-term effects of C0VID-19 and the C0VID vaxxes are real.

But there are things that you can do to improve your health.

If you have been suffering from the lingering effects of C0VID or if someone you love has…

I want to encourage you to join my good friend, investigative journalist, and Humanitarian, Jonathan Otto for his 5-Day Live Challenge, Conquer Long C0VlD…

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