3 hours ago


Here's a reminder that hospitals have been turned into "killing fields" since the beginning of COVID, deploying deadly protocols that have murdered 500K+ Americans. 🧵 (1/16)

While the death and destruction caused by the COVID bioweapon injections has, rightfully, earned an enormous amount of attention from the alternative media, it's important to note that just as many people—if not more—have been killed by what's been deemed by some as COVID "murder protocols" in the hospitals. Murder protocols that have, in the U.S., been put into place by federal "health" agencies, and reinforced with massive payouts.

In this first clip, we learn from electrical engineer and citizen investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. (
) that these "hospital homicides" (Beaudoin's term) now account for more than 500,000 dead Americans. Indeed, Beaudoin says that "the hospital homicides might be greater" than the number of people killed by the COVID injections in the U.S.

Beaudoin, who has pored through approximately 5% of the death certificates in the U.S. from the years 2019 through 2023, highlights an excess of acute renal failure (or sudden kidney failure) deaths as particularly staggering. He says that there have been 153,000 excess acute renal failure deaths **alone** in the last three years, which can likely be chalked up to some combination of remdesivir, vancomycin, and baricitinib.

Remdesivir, which many have come to associate with death and illness, is an antiviral drug shown to be deadly in clinical trials and linked to renal failure specifically*.

Baricitinib is a "Janus kinase JAK inhibitor" and is considered an "immunomodulator." Medical News Today notes, "If your kidneys don’t work well, [baricitnib] could build up in your body."

Vancomycin is an antibiotic used to treat infections and has also been linked to acute renal failure**.

Beaudoin notes that while he's not sure which individual drug, or which combination of drugs, is most responsible for the excess renal failure deaths in the U.S. over the last three years, "all the data is sitting on government computers and the government is purposely not looking at it, because they killed more than 150,000 excess people more than normal in the last three years by acute renal failure alone."

Furthermore, Beaudoin highlights ventilators as a murder mechanism. "[P]eople were put on ventilators, they got lung infections, they weren't treated for bacterial infections, and they died," he says. He notes that sometimes patients were given vancomycin, but that "kills the kidneys if you give too much."

Putting a finer point on things, Beaudoin says, "with regard to all of the [COVID] hospital protocols, I call it murder, because at some level, somebody knew what they were doing." While he doesn't blame the doctors themselves, he does say that whoever developed the protocol knew that it would kill patients.

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