Secretary of State Can't Find Voter Fraud in Nebraska

4 months ago

The clueless and corrupt Nebraska Secretary of State, Bob Evnen, lied again when he said that he hasn’t “found fraud”. He hasn’t found any fraud because he hasn’t looked for any fraud. He is too stupid and senile to see the thousands of illegals voting in Nebraska. He also can’t find all the mail-in ballot fraud, postal service fraud, elderly care home fraud, duplicate ID fraud, DMV fraud, polling place volunteer fraud, and all the other ways to commit voter fraud. There is voter fraud everywhere in Nebraska but the Secretary of State can’t find any because he isn’t looking anywhere but up his own old ass.

#bobevnen #nebraska #secretaryofstate #nebraskavote #nebrakasecretaryofstate #nesos #sos #voter #fraud #fraudfound #voterfreaud #nebraskafraud #balloptfraud #idfraud illegalvoters #corrupt #old #ass #stupid #senile

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