JAMES DIEUGENIO - Strictly Speaking with Bob Frantz - Ep. 21

2 months ago

James DiEugenio has an MA in history from California State University Northridge. He is a retired teacher who has written or co-edited four books on the assassinations of the sixties:
Destiny Betrayed, The Assassinations,, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today and JFK Revisited. The last volume is the companion piece to Oliver Stone’s two recent documentaries on the Kennedy assassination, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, and JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Jim wrote the screenplays for both of those films.

He is the editor and publisher of the online journal KennedysandKing.com which features articles, news stories and critiques of works about the four major assassinations of the sixties: JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK.
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