USA President Donald Trump exposes 325,000 Children Missing in America

3 months ago

American Business Billionare Donald Trump is reporting during his USA Presidential campaign - there are 325,000 Children Missing in America. This is shocking statistics court evidence against THOSE THAT HOLD THE RECORDS' & Never Publicly Report this? Where's the Children? FEMA intelligence was caught taking 3 bus loads of Children away in Laihana Hawaii in BROAD DAYLIGHT before the HAARP Weapons incineration Microwave Lazer Burning Scorched Lahaina Maui, Hawaii to clear the Land of Native Sovereign peoples by a mass genocide. This same weather modification took place in North Carolina Hurricaine Helene. How many dead & missing children will be recorded reported in the aftermath of these planned Disasters for emergency response contracts to recovery? Or to abduct & remove & Transport to a human trafficking Sophisticated mulilitary operation. And for disposal by human trafficking harvesting for elites vampires addicted to adrenochrome human blood as their FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH drug addiction.
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