CDC and Local Fake News Bimbos Push the Deadly Covid Shot Again in Omaha Nebraska

4 months ago

The local fake news bimbos at KFAB 1110 and the CDC continue to promote the covid death shot and at the same time commit mass murder. Each gang of frauds also continue to profit and push the deadly shot that never worked for the fake pandemic that never happened. This post also links to the CDC Director’s message where the jew, Mandy Cohen, lies about the clot shot that is killing white Americans. Both the CDC and all the local fake news bimbos in Omaha Nebraska are run by jews and white trash race traitors through their investment companies and are actively working to murder every White Nebraskan.

#cdc #kfab #omaha #nebraska #omahanebraska #covid #covidshot #diedsuddenly #fakenews #mandycohen #cdcdirector #jews #wow #waronwhites #jewsdidit #blackrock #statestreet #vanguard #berkshirehathaway #warrenbuffet #traitor

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