Puerto Rican American Takes White Lefties Apart For Being So Offended By A Joke SHE Laughed At

2 months ago

Posted • October 28, 2024: The Only Thing Making the Left Panic More Than Trump Is Laughter —— At Donald Trump's Madison Square Garden Rally, Trump invited comedian Tony Hinchcliffe to do a short bit at the microphone. It had some laughs, but my favorite parts were the ones that got groans. They weren't groans of anger or frustration, but the kind of groan you hear when someone finds something funny that they're not supposed to laugh at. It's the sound of a bunch of people shedding a little more of the seriousness about a subject that society expects them to be severe about. Hinchcliffe, the creator of the comedy show "Kill Tony" in Austin, Texas, and honestly one of the funniest shows on the planet, made inappropriate jokes that sometimes got a little racial. Automatically, when you hear that, your brain immediately puts you on guard, because racial jokes aren't supposed to be funny. Race isn't that thing you joke about.

Except it can be, and it's better for everyone when it is joked about. Race has become an all-too severe subject in our society, and it's done more to divide us than almost anything else. Hinchcliffe told some stereotypical jokes about Jewish people, he thinks that the floating island of trash in the ocean is called "Puerto Rico" and poked fun at the border crisis by asking the Hispanic people in the crowd to cheer. He said Israel and Palestine should settle their beef with a best-out-of-three rock, paper, scissors game, which Israel could win easily because Palestine will always choose to throw rock. Yet, Hinchcliffe wasn't being racist. In fact, he was being the opposite. He was treating everyone as equally up for lampooning, and was making good-natured jokes, even if they were burns. In the same way, men get together and insult each other because slamming each other is fun and actually brings them closer. We all laugh at each other and ourselves, and that's healthy to do.

One of my favorite running jokes about white people actually comes from my friend and colleague Jeff Charles, who jokes about "people of whiteness" consistently putting themselves in positions to be mauled horribly by dangerous animals by treating them as our friends and pets. It's funny because it's true. Tragedies have occurred, it truly is a stupid thing we do, and it's still funny to point out. How many people of whiteness are going to die because they saw this video and think they should do the same thing as if this guy isn't lucky to still be alive and intact? I told y'all to stop this! https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1700250223178629120/pu/vid/avc1/480x852/nh45WIb-CBwCtkke.mp4 -- My point is that no one is offended by this, and no one should be. No one race should be so above reproach that we can't crack jokes at each other's expense. Making a race, or any group into a sacred cow, only invites issues for that particular group.

But let's get back to Hinchcliffe for a second. He made the Puerto Rico joke about the island being floating trash. Tim Walz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez watched that bit and went off about how racist Hinchcliffe, and indeed, all Republicans are for making such a joke. AOC attempted to pass off the idea that this reveals how the right views anyone who is poorer than them. Were Hispanics, or Puerto Ricans in particular, offended? I'm sure some were, but I found some interesting reactions to the joke from people who were from Puerto Rico... they didn't care. They might not have liked the joke, but they understood it was a joke. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1850717908055314432/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/0TTVsjOTqDFlJztb.mp4 (…)

• More at: RedState - No Laughing: The Left Is Losing It Over the Jokes at Trump's Rally
Twitchy: Puerto Rican American Takes WHITE LEFTIES Apart for Being SO Offended By a Joke SHE Laughed At

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