Hindsight Retrospective 2020: "Lessons Learned" [06 November]

3 months ago

America changed four years ago post election. Here in the past, events are still being sorted out. We know what's to come. As predicted, protests. That was an easy one because that's what America does. They protest and then go back to business as usual. I wanted to see what correcting a "stolen" election would look like. But it didn't happen. Documentaries were made. Phone calls were made. People who never expected to cross the red line of the law, did jail time. They were set up. They never saw it coming. We know how the story goes.
This is November 2020. We will probably be able to string this series out until the end of the year. Both years. As you can easily figure out, this series goes day to day from 2024 to 2020.
But let's take the Wayback Machine to this day four years ago.

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