“The Hospital 100% Murdered My Husband” -- Kim Shalon

4 months ago

***MUST SEE → This is an absolute Heartbreaking Story of one my FB friends, whose husband was killed -- MURDERED by “Hospital Protocol.”

We need to be vigilant of this because this is one of many, many similar stories that is being shared by others around the world right now and this should NEVER in a million years happen in a "Healthcare" facility of any kind.

This is the story of Kim Shalon and her husband Mike. Mike had been previously injured by a vaccine that caused Gullain-Barre Syndrome and he was not supposed to take ANY vaccines.

Mike began taking a new medication for his condition and didn’t feel quite right on a Friday night and by Tuesday night he didn’t feel well at all.

Kim was covid tested and 15 minutes later they said it was negative and then 1 hour later they called and said it turned positive.

On Wednesday Kim took Mike to get covid tested on Wednesday, he was positive on Thursday, Friday Kim called his doctor just to see if there was something to take that could make him more comfortable.

The doctor said to possibly take Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) – a treatment for Gullain-Barre. First he had to have blood work, so they took his blood and Kim says that she believes they didn’t even look at it.

Mike went back to the hospital on a Saturday and was to stay for a couple of days, I believe for low Oxygen from the IVIG treatment.

Mike gave Kim a kiss and said “don’t worry, it will only be a couple of days.”

Kim would never be kissed by her husband again.

Kim said that Mike was not to be prescribed Ativan as he has bad reactions to it.

She called back the next day and they said that his lungs were still not improving.

So, the next Sunday, April 26th he Faced timed Kim from the hospital and said that he was feeling so much better.

So the very next day she called the hospital and asked to talk to him.

The hospital said “why would you talk to him?”

Kim said “well, I talked to him yesterday on FB, we face-timed.”

Kim never heard from him again.

The hospital would not allow Kim to see him or talk to him.

Thursday night, April 29th, Kim spoke with the nurse and they said his lungs were marginally improving.

The next morning on the 30th, Kim receives a cell phone call from an unknown number at 4:00 in the morning and it was the nurse saying that his Oxygen level plummeted that night and they were going to have to put him on a Ventilator and the nurse said that he was ok with that.

The nurse said “do you want to talk to him real quick before the Anesthesiologist gets here.”

All Mike said was “I love you, make sure the Kids know I love them.”

The nurse takes the phone away because the Anesthesiologist was there. The nurse said “we will call you when we have him vented.”

Just 45 minutes later Kim receives a call from this doctor who said “he didn’t make it.”

Kim said “what do you mean he didn’t make it?”

Doctor: “We had him on the Vent, he had a heart attack and he didn’t make it, sorry, if you want to come in and say goodbye to him, you can.”

So NOW these f*ckers allow Kim to see her husband?

Just the day before they wouldn’t??

One of Kim’s girlfriends told her to get the medical records to ease Kim’s mind because she felt things were not right.

Her friend was shocked to find out that Mike was diagnosed with Covid, had Sepsis, lost almost 20 lbs and she said “I think you need to call a lawyer.”

Kim did get a lawyer and the lawyer got a call immediately from hospital and said he had never received a call so fast and said we need to investigate immediately.

A month later the lawyer calls Kim and says “Oh, it was Covid related” and he couldn’t do anything.

Remember, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed – then the Fauci Protocols? Put two and two together here guys.

Digging deeper Kim discovered that they DID give him Ativan. They kept asking him and finally gave it to him even though in the records it said “Do Not Give Ativan.”

Then Kim found out that there were about two hours of missing time in the medical records, just prior to his death.

Kim said that she tried to get lawyers to look, but they would not, she says she believes they may have been threatened to be disbarred.

Kim filed with the Medical License Department with her state and they did come and did an interview and that is where we are right now.

Kim is hoping for some Accountability.

Kim said they also gave him Fentanyl – Kim said she is going to try and get all the records from the insurance side of things to see what was billed and what they actually gave him.

Question: “Do you believe the hospital killed your husband?”

Answer – Kim: “100%, they Murdered Him.”

Apparently on that Friday night when he went to the hospital, the records indicate he was developing Sepsis. Kim said they should have given him Antibiotics and he probably would have recovered fine.

The Medicine they gave him, was Revoked that night.

Kim says “I know it wasn’t the Covid that killed him, I think it was Sepsis that put him in the hospital, then they finally did treat it with Antibiotics which made him feel much better, but they they put him on Remdesivir and that broke everything down in his body.”

Then the protocol says to Vent them.

Isn’t it messed up that Kim was not allowed to see her husband while he was alive but as soon as he died she was allowed right in to kiss and hug him?

Not only did they destroy his Kidneys with Remdesivir (more on that below) but they starved him.

Kim was married to this great man – Mike for 40 years.

His family and friends are heartbroken.

We all should be appalled at this story and we all need to be aware that this happened and as you will see below, this is not an “abnormal” occurrence. I had a neighbor that died in Europe the same way while on vacation during this same time.

We must never allow this to happen ever again. As horrific and sad as this story is, we can learn from it.

Medical Errors – are the Third Leading Cause of Death in the United States. This needs to be addressed and evaluated. People shouldn’t have to fear going to the hospital due to medical incompetence.

Also: These Hospitals, Doctors & Nurses involved need to be held Accountable. If we don’t hold them accountable, what’s going to stop them the next time our Government incentivizes them to do the same thing?


*As of August 17, 2024 the United States Government has spent $4.6 Trillion on the Covid Lie – “The Covid Protocol” – to pay incentives to hospitals to go along with an evil protocol that included Ventilation and the use of a DEADLY poison that destroys the Kidneys – Remdesivir.

Most of this $4.6 Trillion was Bribery Money – offering hospitals, doctors and nurses insane “Bonuses” to go along with the “Covid Protocol.”

Hospitals were incentivized 20% EXTRA on the ENTIRE Hospital Bill if they would prescribe the DEADLY Kidney & Liver destroying – Remdesivir.

This would quickly inflate their Covid numbers so they could spread their lies on the bottom of your TV screen to cause FEAR, so everyone would run to roll those sleeves up to get the healthy Fauic Ouchie.

Ralph Baric made Remdesivir with Anthony Fauci’s grant money and the WHO pulled it from clinical trials in Africa because it was KILLING 53% of the people who got it.

It was killing people regardless of viral load, which means it was killing Healthy People who had no Ebola.

The WHO said it was too unethical to use in Africa but Anthony Fauci said let’s use it to “treat” covid patients. Fauci should be tried for Murder. He should have been tried for the AIDS Murders that Dr. Mikovits.

There is NOTHING that has a 53% kill rate. Nothing. It was deadlier than Ebola, deadlier than any virus we have ever seen, but they were treating patients with it all while these f*cking idiot doctors and nurses were doing their TikTok dances.

There was a 97.7% Survival Rate of Covid and that is with NO treatment at all. The average age of those who died from Covid was 82 years old. And we need all these Covid Protocols and almost $5 Trillion Dollars to insure everyone “complies” with those deadly protocols?

People say that Trump was a good president, but I say he was and is a deceiving snake and the absolute worst in the history of the USA and I was a huge fan of his until I discovered a TON of information, which I have all saved and have about 50 videos that anyone in their right mind would come to the same conclusion.

Before Trump was president he said he had NEVER taken a Vaccine because he thinks they are harmful but then he pushes and experimental, untested mRNA and flat out says it is safe & effective and then later brags as he proclaims “I am the Father of Vaccines.”

ALL his cabinet staff were deep staters, they were the filthiest of the swamp creatures.

This occurred under Trump’s watch and not only that, he pushed the hell out of it.

Who brought in the 5-G? Trump

What did Trump say? We need to beat China, it is a race. They did all of this right when they were locking it down.

Connect the Dots on the 5G and the Covid “Waves” – they match perfectly. Check this out → ***Did Matt Landman Accidentally Discover How The Globalists Created the “Pandemic” -- https://rumble.com/v5kefmd-did-matt-landman-accidentally-discover-how-the-globalists-created-the-pande.html

This kind of “medical practice” wasn’t just happening here in the USA:

***Insider – UK Gov Hired “Robotic” Mercenary Nurses to Involuntarily Euthanize Millions COVID Patients --- https://rumble.com/v5g19px-insider-uk-gov-hired-robotic-mercenary-nurses-to-involuntarily-euthanize-mi.html

Here is how “Safe & Effective” those healthy covid jabs were / are:
1. Nothing about Immunity was Tested.
2. Nothing about Transmissibility was tested.
3. Nothing about the Ability to Block Infection was Tested.
4. The ONLY thing that was Allegedly Scored was SYMPTOMS that were labeled “Covid Symptoms.”

Guess What the Pfizer Papers Revealed – you know, those papers that Pfizer wanted the Court to Seal for 75 years?

Pfizer focused all of their studies on Reproduction & how the “vaccine” Transfects.

What does this mean? It is very clear and it is very simple – It was not about health, it was not about a vaccine, it was all about a Bioweapon.

See This → ***Dr. Naomi Wolf Reveals Shocking Details found in “The Pfizer Papers” – Pfizer’s Crimes vs Humanity


SOURCE for This Video “The Hospital 100% Murdered My Husband” – Kim Shalon: childrenshealthdefense -- https://rumble.com/v5jtr7h-my-husband-was-vented-and-died-in-an-hour.html


OTHER VIDEOS – related to Hospital Covid Protocol and Jab Volunteers

*** Epidemic of Fraud – This is What Really Happened


***The Truth About COVID Hospital Protocols – Death Protocols – Stella Paul

***Dr. Paul Marik – Fauci Knew Remdesivir was Deadly – Submitted False Study – Modified Endpoint to FDA


***Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocol


***A California Nurse Tells the Truth – We Were Being Lied To – The Jabs Caused the Pandemic


***COVID-19 mRNA Clinical Trials – The Truth Behind the Trials


***Maddie de Garay Update – Pfizer Clinical Trial Covid Vaccine Victim – Full Measure


***Kayla Pollock – Paralyzed from Covid Shot – Hospital Offered “Assisted Suicide” – TWICE!

***Brianne Dressen – Severely Injured in AstraZeneca Vaccine Trials Speaks Out & tells her Horror Story


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Thank You!!

END. 10/31/2024 – 6:00 PM

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