3 months ago

We are delighted to share with our Pisces Diving Fandamily the remarkable story and an wonderful acheivement of Taj!! 🏆

She joined Pisces Diving a few years ago as a complete newbie with no experience, a supa shy and quiet young lady with a milestone ahead of her to achieve!! We can exstatically share that this remarkable young sunshine is now qualified as an amazing PADI Instructor!

Taj juggled hefty challenges coming her way and has successfully rised above it all like the Phoenix she truelly depicts from the ashes to be where she is now!! ❤️

We are abundantly proud of you.....our very own SUPERSTAR in the making!! You have achieved your dream to never stop teaching and sharing your extraordinary passion for the Marine and its gorgeous blessings!!! ❤️ We are soooo elated to be apart of your adventurous journey ahead!! What a FANTASTIC way to celebrate your precious birthday!!! 🎉💖🎉

Well SUPER done to our most gorgeous Taj!!! 🫶⭐🫶

Thankyou to every amazing peeps who have been supporting her every step of the way and to AMAZEBALLS PADI for never giving up on her dream!!! There are too many fab peeps to mention!! We could not do this without your tremendous support!! You all ROCK BIGTIME!!! 🫶❤️🫶

#padi #instructor #talent #inspirational

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