A Day in the Life of a Schizophrenic with Dissociative Identity Disorder (switching alters)

3 months ago

A Day in the Life of Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Substance Abuse Disorder, MKULTRA, Institutional Syndrome, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophile Sex Trafficking and Demon Possession. 100 drs refused her treatment, only torture in 50 jails and prisons.

Exhibit entered into evidence in judicial proceedings, Fair Use for noncommercial education, commentary and news reporting per 17 US Code 107

Substance use disorder, intervention, meth psychosis, heroin, fentanyl, marijuana, cannibis, pot, drug induced psychosis, hallucinate, dementia, addiction, junkie, schizophrenia, psychosis, psychotic, multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder, neurosyphilis, Encephalitis, cerebral edema, covid19, vaccine injury, drug war, treason, drug dealing, open border, bioweapon, cia, central intelligence agency, drug cartels, narcan, overdose, rehab, detox, psychward, parkinsons, seizure, police tips, prison, conviction, church, recovery, homeless, law enforcement, arrest, jail, prison, corruption, president donald trump, death penalty, felon, suicide, homicide, rape, gangrape, marriage proposal, insanity, insane, mental illness, brain damage, girls gone wild, pornography, prostitution, stripper, addict, addiction, christianity, annointing prayer, reprobate, psychopath, dr colin ross, trauma counseling, psychotherapy, icu, emergency room, er, death, out of body experience, jesus, heaven

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