The hard Truth of what is coming for 'All' who will confess Jesus.??. 2.Timothy 3:12

4 hours ago

The Honest hard Truth for what is coming for 'All' who will confess Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:12. Indeed, all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,while evil people and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.! This is the time of the-''Separation of the goats and Sheep.!'' The great falling away.! This is to see IF You would lay down Your lives for Christ.???. Or Turn away to save Yourselves or your loved Ones.! As Rome did to many Christian families.! Christians in the west were untouchable.! Now you are seeing that change daily.! and my previous vids shows the rate of hate and persecution spreading world wide. It will soon be on your Doorstep.??? Will you then still stand with and for Jesus.??? OR Will shrink Back.???.

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