There is no Way she can Beat Donald J. Trump for POTUS

3 months ago

But just so you will know, they are going to say she won on election night, they have already signaled that they are going to. It will not even be a close race because Donald Trump is going to smoke her way worse than he smoked Joe Biden in 2020, and he did smoke Joe Biden in 2020.

There absolutely was rampant, wide spread fraud on a epic scale in 2020 and if there is one thing I learned in that election, it is that there is no way I will ever trust a democrat because of how willing they are to cheat, and how willing the ones who won't cheat are to simply look the other way when the ones who will cheat do cheat. In either case, pure moral corruption to the core of the bones. Personally I wouldn't hire one to run a cash register at a 7/11 if I owned one.

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