Article 5101 Video - The Brits Big Picture - Sunday, October 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5101 Video - The Brits Big Picture - Sunday, October 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We told you that the British and their Roman compatriots decided that things were getting too hot in this country prior to Ronald Reagan's administration; they made all the overtures, paid all the payola with our assets, encouraged our industries to leave America and move to China with huge tax breaks, yes, yes, to take advantage of Chinese slave labor.

It was all so schmarmy. Lots of celeb photos of Ronnie, the Great Peacemaker, selling us out, surrounded by equally smiling Chinese politicians.

That's where and when the exodus of industry from America to China began, and the first moves to relocate the parasitic "British Crown Interests" to China began.

Who is engaged with and a member of BRICS right now? The Brits, of course. Plying their dirty trade as Masters of Deceit, trying to distance themselves from the financial disaster they have created.

It's not only a matter of them hypocritically destroying the criminal financial system they set up here and profited from for 160-plus years --- at our expense. It's the cheek of them blaming us for it.

These are the same people who call concentration camps "gated communities". The same cynical wordsmiths that call genocide "ethnic cleansing" in an effort to side-step the truth --- and the law.

They are vicious, because they know they are guilty.

As soon as you catch on to who has done all this to us and to Western Europe and Japan and the former Commonwealth, you can
start working out the solution to this problem. And it doesn't involve war in the Middle East. And it doesn't involve any "civil war" here.

It instead requires a worldwide round-up of criminals, caught red-handed.

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