The Gracious Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Table

2 months ago

Christian, God has given us works to do for a reason. Chief among those works are the works of water baptism and the Lord’s table. Baptism is to be done just once; the table as often as we wish. These things were given to us as a way for God to give of himself to us in the Faith. They are a blessing and a balm to the soul. They’re not things we should approach lightly or without reverence. They’re a great blessing to believers at every stage of their lives. Jesus longed to institute the remembrance of the Cross in the Lord’s table ordinance. Baptism, the work that marks believers perhaps most definitively, is a grace of God to the heart that forever reminds us of how we were saved by Jesus and by faith alone. I want to talk about these wonderful ordinances with you a bit today. I mention in this video that I’m working on an in-depth article on the ordinances as well where I hope to present the Baptist position on them in greater detail. Lord-willing, I’ll have it done within the next month or so. I truly hope this talk today is a blessing to you. I pray you treasure the ordinances (or sacraments) in all their fulness in your life.

God bless!!!
(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by anytime for new stuff).

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