Is the power of your HOA a Nightmare?

2 months ago

Would it interest you to know that HOA's operate like mini governments.
How is the government working out for everyone Right Now?

Here is what a local news station noticed,
Every HOA is just one vote away from hellish nightmares.

Joh features the image of the story I found and presented to the board and homeowners at my own HOAs meeting concerning the board hiring Associa aka the property management company.

At that meeting I read from both the Texas Tribune and Dallas Observer concerning the owner of this billion dollar company.
Ethics of the company and the conflict of interest with Corona passing legislation were covered.

John points out some local nightmares also associated with none other than Associa!

Hear a Certified General Appraiser state how important it is to
educate, educate, educate!

#HOA, #HOAs, #HomeownersAssociation, #homeowners, #propertymanagementcompanies, #JohnOliver, #HOAboard, #HOAboards, CC^Rs, #CovenantsConditionsRestrictions, #assessments, #specialassessments

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