4 months ago

Ever notice that those who promote wars to kill children are tough on crime are the ones who are involved in child sex trafficking?

Narcissists and psychopaths Always point the finger at others to deflect blame on their actions. I was not rich living in the van especially not from wars nor sex trafficking but some scumbag gang stalkers set me up with a young oriental woman skateboarding on by; gang stalkers will do anything to point the blame on you instead of each other. Crazy homeless woman said she had to leave south reno for exposing child sex trafficking. I believe her, remember the cocaine parties on patriot avenue? Patriot missiles kill people. A man told me that he was invited to a gated community in South Reno for a cocaine orgy. Professionals, doctors, attorneys & dentists, he declined, Any local would know the name. When crystal meth wade gang stalked me it was obvious that he came from a wealthy well known family, that was at the shithole old 40 motel, some good people living there, the rent in this town is Insane. So that being said many people worship bad people, tried to tell a neighbor who drinks in their bars with his red shorts that it is not nice to try to cut off the head of a five year old girl, he does not care. A man at the shithole old 40 told me that he admits he destroyed his health with cocaine, said that glass storage room used to be a bar. Prostitutes brushing up against him at 16 years old, nobody told me how bad Joe was, on youtube a woman said I love my father, one of the women said I know you love your father but he raped me and some of the other girls, he is not a nice man. The story about these gangs goes much deeper than that, to be a big shot in a gang you must commit the most horrendous acts and you will be revered.

If I paint LOLITA on the side of my van, everyone will hate me, how many thousands of people saw that on Epsteins plane and said Nothing.


MATTHEW 18:6-7
If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble!

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