Hacker Convention DEF CON 32 - Inside the FBI’s Secret Encrypted Phone Company ‘Anom’ - Joseph Cox

3 months ago

Hacker Convention DEF CON 32 - Inside the FBI’s Secret Encrypted Phone Company ‘Anom’ - Joseph Cox
471,195 views October 16, 2024
An Independent Drug Trafficker is Like a Bank Outside of the International Banksters. If you are Not Part of the Club, you will be Taken Down. The FBI are Obviously Enforcers of the Globalist Old Boy's Club and Support CIA and Rogue Black Oops. As Kay Grigs pointed out, the Higher Rank of Retired Military Officers are often Placed in Leading Positions of the International Drug Trade. Not the Type that the FBI would be inclined to mess with even if they wanted to.
This is a lesson that Journalists, Activists and High Level Dissenters should keep in mind. Privacy is Not Possible When IT IS YOUR HARDWARE THAT IS COMPROMISED
MySciff for instance is apparently uncrackable. But the Government can't be Blocked When IT IS ALREADY INSIDE OF YOUR SYSTEM.
But this brings up the Question. When was it that the FBI was Authorized to Conduct International Spying, and Why Should They Have So Much Power?
The Answer is of course, that the Globalist Old Boy's Club Controls the Entire U.S. Government...
In 2018, a secure communications app called Anom started to gain popularity among organized criminals. Soon, top tier drug traffickers were using it all over the world. Because they thought their messages were secure, smugglers and hitmen coordinated high stakes crimes across the platform. But Anom had a secret: it was secretly run by the FBI.
For years Joseph Cox has investigated the inside story of Anom, speaking to people who coded the app, those who sold it, criminals who chatted across it, and the FBI agents who surreptitiously managed it. This new talk, building on details from his recent book DARK WIRE, will include never-before-published technical details on how the Anom network functioned, how the backdoor itself worked, and how Anom grew to such a size that the FBI started to lose control of its own creation.
It will also reflect on how police have entered a new phase of compromising entire encrypted phone networks, with little to no debate from the public, and provide critical insight on what really happens when authorities introduce a backdoor into a telecommunications product.
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