Naomi Wolf: "In the Pfizer trials, Pfizer warned men who were vaccinated not to

5 hours ago

Naomi Wolf: "In the Pfizer trials, Pfizer warned men who were vaccinated not to have intercourse with childbearing age women, and if they did, to use two reliable forms of contraception. So to me, of the red flags of this whole disclosure, the fact that Pfizer to this day knows or suspects that there's something that could be potentially damaging and vaccinated men's semen, and they're not telling us what they're looking for, what they're worried about is just so criminal.

But anyway, and they told women not to get pregnant, but 270 women got pregnant anyway. And Pfizer lost, which you're not supposed to do, it's illegal to do that, the records of 236 of those women gone. 34 of the records survive of those, 34 records of pregnant women who brought the babies to term or not, over 80% of them lost the babies. And Pfizer knew that they were causing babies to die in utero, they knew it.

And the last thing I'll say, and then I promise I'll pause, is that in the pregnancy and lactation report, which went right to the CDC, it went right to Dr. Walensky, who by the way resigned three days after we broke this story, interestingly. It showed that two babies in utero died, and Pfizer concluded in that report that it was due to, quote, maternal exposure to the vaccine, end quote.

They also had a chart in that report showing, another chart, Mengele chart, showing this many babies are vomiting because of nursing vaccinated moms, because the materials get into the breast milk, right? This many babies are in convulsions. This many babies have fever. We're watching lactating mothers breastfeeding their babies, and this many reported seizures after breastfeeding. This many were vomiting."

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