4 months ago

Russian Communist / Atheist Cosmonauts see angels of light in space.
July 1984, Salyut 7 space-station.
source: Metaphysical
The Universe, God, "Elohim" is plural.
Example: "Let US make them is OUR own image".
Yah has a heavenly body and faithful believers are His earthly body.
So, angels are like His hands, etc. One is his heart and Word.
Here, they discuss consciousness varying in degree of awareness, according to the area of spacial energy you are located within the universe. Deep sea to outer space. We are in the denser and darker location of the material world and realm.
God is said to dwell in the THIRD HEAVEN.
What is it? The most DEFINITE heaven would be the first one created, where your eyes and mind see much more clearly than a metal / hazy mirror, as we now do, in our human bodies and state of being. Also the MACROCOSM.
Then we have the FINITE MICROCOSM. We may consider this to include the tiny planets. Within our physical souls resides another complete realm, as if a universe within a universe. The INDEFINITE MICROCOSM. It is within this realm, in which God resides, as the INFINITE and Everlasting One.
The seemingly invisible One, who is so unfathomable He seems "nameless".
Etherial, Material, Aerial / Divine / Empyreal or Imperial Emperor
The life within all life. PSALMS 139 ⬅️ See the Light!
However His Holy (Sacred / Pure) Spirit of Love resides within the first, most perfect, created image of himself, the Light, who is also the Truth and Pathway from and to God the Father Universe, which is alive and conscious, always moving and growing. At his time, humankind (in plural sense) are more like the spike proteins on planet Earth.
We have been taught and learned lies.
We have been deceived and accepted.
We have been duped and need to awake!

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