ISRAEL'S SHOCKING New Apartheid Plans For Gaza!

6 hours ago

Right, so the State of Israel and their decades long treatment of the people of Gaza, long considered the largest open air concentration camp in the world as it was before it was razed from north to south, now more widely regarded as a pile of rubble. We know the settler movement in Israel wants to move in and turn the Strip into prime real estate, but there is the pesky problem of what to do with all those Gazans still daring to draw breath and get in the way of their land theft plans.
Well if you listen to some of these people, such as leader of the Nahala settler movement Daniella Weiss, other countries must be convinced to take them, others have pondered over the possibility of conquering Ireland and sending them there, there seems to be a general obsession amongst settlers about deporting Palestinians to Ireland, Why Ireland? I’ve never followed the logic, but at any rate, whilst Gaza remains under Israeli control and whilst Palestinians still live there, they will live under the same two tiered apartheid system that has been imposed on them for decades. But moving forwards, this is taking an astonishingly darker turn now, as plans for more apartheid just got ramped up by at least a full order of magnitude.
Right, so Israel the apartheid state is what it was before, that is before it took a turn for the genocidal and decided that instead of controlling the lives of Palestinians in Gaza and dictating where they could go and what they could do, where they would use the pretext of a Hamas raid to take hostages to level the Strip from north to south, displace everyone living there, killing more than 42,000 people most of them women and children and now seeking to establish a militarised zone in the north as per the so-called Generals Plan, to remove all Gazans from the north and as plans revealed by the settler movement, all in keeping with another plan to start establishing Israeli settlements behind that militarised zone, in the Gaza Strip.
There are however still a lot of Gazan people living in the Strip, so what to do with them? Their lives must still be controlled to the minds of Israel, the world will never accept that of course and Israel will forever now be regarded as a pariah state for what it has done and those aiding them and abetting them will be held in contempt by most of the world also, but what to do with these people of Gaza that remain? They can’t deport them not really. Daniella Weiss might have her delusions and certainly many members of the hard right of Benjamin Netanyahu’s crackpot government would support their complete removal, but what we’re seeing happening in practice is to my mind a middle of the road option, to appease both, as the concentration camp mindset for the people of Gaza returns, but so much worse than what they lived in before, because this time, they really are concentration camps and they’re already being built. What is worse, is that it is apparently going to be the US running them.
According to Jewish independent journalist Dan Cohen on his Uncaptured Media substack in an article he published last Tuesday, and this is a story also picked up by The Cradle, the US administration of Joe Biden has authorised CIA trained mercenaries to run biometric concentration camps in Gaza, referencing details from an article published in the Israeli news outlet Yedioth Ahronoth, via their Ynet online news site. Here’s an excerpt of Cohen’s coverage:
‘The Biden administration has approved the deployment of 1,000 CIA-trained private mercenaries as part of a joint U.S.-Israeli plan to turn Gaza’s apocalyptic rubblescape into a high-tech dystopia.
Starting with Al-Atatra, a village in the northwestern Gaza Strip, the plan calls to build what the Israeli daily Ynet calls “humanitarian bubbles” – turning the remains of villages and neighborhoods into tiny concentration camps cut off from their environs and surrounded and controlled by mercenaries.
This comes as Israel carries out daily massacres and ethnic cleansing in northern Gaza, enacting the proposal known as The Generals’ Plan, originally crafted by former national security chief Giora Eiland to turn Gaza into “a place where no human being can exist.”
The plan, approved by White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, calls for the Israeli military to clear out pockets of Palestinian resistance, which it has failed to achieve, demonstrated by the recent killing of Israeli Colonel Ehasn Daksa, the highest ranking officer to lose his life in the year long war.
48 hours after stamping out resistance, they plan to erect separation walls around the neighborhood, forcing its residents, and no one else, to enter and exit using biometric identification under the CIA contractors’ control. Those who do not accept the biometric regime would be refused humanitarian aid.’
The smaller the camp, the more impossible it is to be self sufficient, the more reliant on your captors, these US trained mercenaries they would be and people will draw the obvious comparisons between this plan and Germany’s actions in World War II. It’s impossible to not draw the comparison.
It's also not the first foray into such thinking being implemented by the US we’ve witnessed either, as this is essentially a rebooting of the IS’s failed – because of course such a system will fail – Strategic Hamlet Program, which was implemented in 1962 during the Vietnam War, to cut off the rural populations by isolating them in what the US called strategic hamlets - they were bloody concentration camps – to cut the populus off from the Viet Cong fighting against not just the US but the South Vietnam government as well. The hope was that by providing support, oversight, protection, that in time the population would become more government friendly, come to appreciate what they were doing for them by isolating them away in these strategic hamlets.
It failed because these people saw themselves quite rightly as prisoners of the state that oppressed them and all it did was cause resentment to grow and support for the Viet Cong to grow and where in Gaza the hope might be that by isolating the Gazan population and wiping out anyone associated with Hamas, that things will be different this time there, but the only thing that will be different is that it will all be much more high tech. The resentment will still remain, the desire to resist occupation and oppression will remain, and a resistance will form again, because it is inevitable. Also, they are surrounded by allied forces from Hezbollah, to the Houthis, to Iran, to Islamic Resistance in Iraq, more than willing to help any fledgling resistance gain traction once more as well.
Another perfectly valid question to ask in all of this is, who is going to make money out of it, because you might have guessed someone would be profiting out of this as well and the company behind this plan are called Global Delivery Company, or GDC, who promote themselves as ‘Uber for war zones’ which is an insane thing to claim frankly, and the man behind the company is chap called Mordechai Kahana, Moti for short, who is, surprise, sur-bloody-prise a US-Israeli dual national. Cohen provides us with a bit of a run down on him as well:
‘Kahana has played a key role in the dirty war against Syria in the 2010s and worked with the CIA-backed Free Syrian Army to provide food and medical care to militants and civilians alike. GDC has also been involved in Ukraine, where it collaborated with the Zionist organization, the American Joint Distribution Committee, to operate a refugee camp in Romania near its border with Ukraine. He has also been in negotiations to free the former Israeli military intelligence officer Elizabeth Tsurkov, who was detained in Iraq in 2023.’
These concentration camps are his brainchild, though he has referred to them as electronic cantons, the media have gone even further in trying to sell these things as a good idea, our own Torygraph, the Telegraph, right wing rag that that is, put out an unhinged article two days ago and you won’t believe what they’ve referred to them as:
‘Former British special forces soldiers could soon be dispatched to help build Hamas-free “gated communities” in Gaza.
The proposal involves Israel engaging private military contractors to create safe zones for the delivery of aid and assist with reconstruction of the war-torn enclave.
According to several Israeli news outlets, Mordechai “Moti” Kahana, an Israeli-American businessman who runs Global Delivery Company (GDC), is poised to win a $200 million (£154 million) contract.
If the deal is signed, Mr Kahana says GDC intends to divide the strip into a series of Hamas-free “bubbles” or “gated communities” for Palestinians.’
Gated communities they’re calling them. They’re concentration camps, it’s not the Real Housewives of Orange County! Gated communities! Well they definitely will have gates, but not like that!
Where it was known that GDC employed former US and Israeli military, it is the Torygraph that has dropped in that former British special forces will be involved in this as well, so once more, utter shame befalls our country and it’s another valid question to put to Starmer’s rancid government as to why former British troops are being permitted to essentially become concentration camp prison guards. The Torygraph makes clear that the people who will be doing this are the sort of people who have fought terrorism all their lives, but why does that matter, when its Gazan civilians being herded up and kept like sheep in pens?
It’s a rancid story this, the fate that apparently now faces those who survive Israel’s genocide and where some might feel this will bring an end to the fighting, what kind of a ceasefire results in innocent people being forced to live their lives like this?
Of course while this video has only focused on Israel position versus Gaza, who it already occupies and controls and is able to act like every inch the school bully of a nation that it is, when it comes to other nations in the area, its being handed it’s backside or it’s lashing out in fear. Thel atter certainly seems to sum up that most recent attack on Iran, which has already elicited a response from the Iranians, which basically amounts to mockery and smack talk. Get the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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