Why I Renounced Freemasonry

3 months ago

My testimony as to why I became a Mason, and why I chose to leave and to renounce everything I had to do with freemasonry.

I also share with you the Biblical reason why no Christian man should become a Mason or join the Shrine.

Why am I doing this?

Because Ephesians 5: 11 warns Christians to take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness. Instead, we are to expose them.

Too many of us have been deceived about the true nature of freemasonry. Our fathers, our grandfathers, uncles and maybe even our selves unknowingly and naively became a part of this false religion.

These generational memberships may have opened the door for generational curses, which you may have no idea of, and they may be affecting your life and the life of your family.


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