Starborn Feline plays Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Ep. 37

14 days ago

And so the truth comes to light. The humans connected to the digital world, and accidentally let loose the eaters, and now the Digimon want revenge. The Royal knights are planning something, but what exactly isn't yet clear. To understand what it is they plan to do and stop them we must save our friends Yukko. What will we see on the way? Subscribe and follow to find out as the story unfolds.
Developer Media.Vision[a]
Publisher Bandai Namco
Platform PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
End song: Relaxed Vlog (Night Street), By Ashot-Danielyan-Composer, Site-Pixabay. Rylty Free
#Digimon #DigimonStories #Stories #Cyber #Sluth #CyberSluth #Switch #Gameplay #CompleteEdition

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