The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 3)

3 months ago

#ALLATRA #caves #sacredgeometry
🔎 We continue to explore the topic of temples and sacred structures.

💡 Temples and cyclicity. Which megaliths survived the Flood and have remained to this day?
💡 The mystery of crystals.
💡 What is the sacred essence of the star sign?
💡 The Kaaba and Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. What is the relationship between them?
💡 Did the Prophets bequeath us to build temples?
💡 Caves and catacombs as places of spiritual growth of people
💡 Where is the holiest place that leads people to God?

These unique studies are initiated and carried out by participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement from different corners of the Earth. The studies are made possible by the information presented in the books by Anastasia Novykh and videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.

💥 It is time to bring the Truth back to people!

🔆 The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 1) | January 13, 2023:

🔆 The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 2) | February 13, 2023:

🔆 Video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Black Spot of the Cerberus":

#ALLATRA #Temples #caves #crystal #KaleidoscopeofFacts #sacredgeometry

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