Starborn Feline plays Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Ep. 33

1 month ago

In this episode we and Nokia begin our recruitment drive to try and expand the Tamer group with people who think of Digimon as more than just a means to an End. But unexpected trouble springs up and Nokia and her partners awaken to new and greater power. Where will these lead? Subscribe and follow to find out as the story unfolds.
Developer Media.Vision[a]
Publisher Bandai Namco
Platform PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Windows
End song: Relaxed Vlog (Night Street), By Ashot-Danielyan-Composer, Site-Pixabay. Rylty Free
#Digimon #DigimonStories #Stories #Cyber #Sluth #CyberSluth #Switch #Gameplay #CompleteEdition

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