Adolf Hitler - On Feminism | The Impartial Truth

2 months ago

Adolf Hitler talks about "gender equality" and how soviets are using women as their tool for power.

In Hitler's Germany women were incredibly happy, happier than women have ever been anywhere else. In todays Marxist controlled countries happiness, especially female happiness, has decreased massively. Never have women been so miserable since they started measuring happiness. In feminist liberal Utopias like Sweden, UK and Germany today, rapes have increased massively and leftists attack against the victim and protect the rapists if it does not fit the narrative to say who committed the heinous crime, so they systematically betray women. This is the biggest problem in western "democratic" countries. Only "hateful far right wingers" talk about this problem and want it to end.

One thing that the Bolsheviks did to Russian women was to strip her naked and forge her to sit on an ant nest so that she was eating alive. Another thing they did was to make a hole to the victims stomach, pull out their guts and nail them to a pole. They would then take a swip and force the victim to go around the pole so that their guts were twisted around it. The Bolshevik leades also encouraged their soldiers to mass rape of German women after the war...And these people talk about how much they care about women. Tens of millions were murdered using the most sadistic torture and killing methods but no teary movies about this.

The Marxist high finance elite wanted women to focus on working for capitalism instead of putting the family first. This was because they wanted to increase their own profits and to break down the family unit. In Hitler's Germany women could work for a company but women naturally want to stay at home. Marxists demonize home-mothers and encourage women to choose life choices that women naturally dont want. They have made it hard for a family to survive with one pay check. Studies show that homemothers are the happiest and women working in office/tech are generally less happy. Studies also show that women who are married and have kids report massively higher happiness than single women with no childen. To this Marxists say "self report is unreliable". Well there is no countering evidence and we also know that married with children have better health, better finances, better family relationship, are less likely to use drugs amount other things. We also see how the decline in marriage and childbirth, and increase in women in the labor force correlates with the reported decline of female happiness. The birth rates today are unsustainable in the western world and dependency ratio is getting worse. The future generations are left with heavy debt burden that we force them to pay. They will have no sence of belonging in to a group but instead they will live in a divided broken nation that has no culture, pride or unity between the people. In Hitlers Germany everyone could buy a house, car and all the essentials and non-essentials without making themselves debt-slaves of the bankers thanks of the generous family support and debt-free loans that National Socialist germany offered. Today in USA and many other Marxist controlled countries, one has to make massive amount of money per year to even buy a basic house.

Some will say: "It is contrary to say that Marxists are capitalists". Based on their own logic, If a corrupt politicial says "I'm for the workers" then it is "contrary" or "ridiculous" to say he is actually not for the people. Well many say one thing and do another. Marxists deny the possibility that maybe this politician is only trying to get support by pretending to be on the side of the people, and maybe he is agitating the people to take down the so called "capitalists", the old leaders, so that the real capitalists could get all the capital and power to themselves. This is exacly how Marxism works. There is a good reason why the whole high finance elite supports Marxism. Everyone can see this with their own eyes and we know all their names and faces. This can be proven using any sources, even MSM sources, so this should not even be up to debate. If I show a Marxist who the real capitalists are, they will jump to protect them.

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