It's Mulberry Season! (Green Iguana Diet)

4 hours ago

Pip, our green iguana enjoying a handful of mulberries. It's his absolute favorite.

The foundation of an iguana’s diet predominantly consists of dark leafy greens. However, caution is advised when it comes to spinach, parsley, and kale. These greens contain oxalates that hinder the iguana’s ability to absorb calcium. While ongoing research continues to explore this matter, it’s generally recommended to stay on the side of caution and limit or avoid these particular greens.

For young iguanas, a daily feeding schedule is recommended. In their native habitat, these creatures partake in multiple feeding sessions throughout the day. As they progress through their lifecycle, the frequency of meals naturally diminishes. It’s noteworthy that iguanas lack the capacity to chew their food; instead, they bite off portions of foliage and swallow them whole. Consequently, when caring for iguanas in captivity, it is essential to finely chop their food into manageable pieces that can be easily ingested.

You need to make a salad combining at least 5 different types of greens, 1 or 2 types of veggies, and 1 fruit. The greens must make out 70% of the dish. Greens should be cut into small pieces and veggies should preferably be grated. Fruits are cut into smaller pieces.

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