Counselor JAYMEE JAY on The War on Mental Fitness - The Menendez Brothers

4 months ago

Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B every Wednesday 4-6pm ET THEN Every Thursday 7-9pm ET on
With Counselor, Researcher on Trauma, SRA- JAYMEE JAY
The Case of The Menendez Brothers SO speaks to WHY I call my show The Family Industrial Complex! THANK YOU to the Brothers! For doing what MORE people should be doing!
Health has been cut up and sold for Parts over decades and the Public has gone along with it! STOP DOING IT!
The People don't exercise, don't resist, don't function like the Healthy, fit people they were BORN as because, "It's Not my Job". Since when does Basic Organic, HEALTHY Functioning depend on one's "job?" For Decades it has. THAT"S the Problem.
So the "average" person is incapable of Simply doing and acting, exercising their Basic Fitness because it isn't a "Paid Job".
While their Basic health and Fitness; mentally, Physically and Spiritually is ERODING. And people are taking for granted that someone ELSE "Paid" to be the "liver" in society, the "lungs", the nervous system, is going to take care of it when Time has PROVEN that to NOT be the case.
This is what I've tried telling people for 5 decades! We were ALL born Healthy and FIT and our Bodies KNOW and act.
The Criminalization of the Menendez brothers acting in JUST self defense has Been a WAR on HEALTH for Decades!
I lived this since 1970 when people Criminalized ME for Rightfully standing up to an Abusive "parent" then MORE as a teen in the late 70's early 80's when NO one else helped!
For Decades I said, "MY BODY ISN'T WRONG! I was born Perfectly HEALTHY and the way my Body handled an abuser by having a FT Psych Immune system then THAT'S THE ANSWER!
The Bodies Response IS THE CORRECT ANSWER but, that challenges the Abusive system with people like Jose Menendez Ruling the US Corp Gov and World and NEED to be Stood up to!
The "Trials" of this case have PROVEN to be a Kangaroo Court with NO one going according to the SCIENCE of child abuse and it's effects on the child's health.
The "men" on the first juries who opposed the women down the line because they "didn't want to believe" or the facts were Too disturbing for them to accept.
SO, There it IS. The FACTS and SCIENCE were RIGHT there in the court room and were DENIED.
I thought it was supposed to be about TRUTH, FACTS, SCIENCE, EVIDENCE?
I lived SO similar since 1970. The BLATANT DENIAL of Reality, of FACTS that people could SEE and they just MINIMIZED them, diluted them when they should have Aligned With them and get Fitter mentally and physically over time.
Psych, abuse and Trauma ARE SCIENCE. The MOST innocent and Vulnerable have endured Horror that "adults" couldn't handle ALL because the "Grown ups" are WEAK. The "Adults" don't want to Take responsibility and Look in the MIRROR. They've USED and ABUSED the most innocent and vulnerable to pass their shame and guilt onto CHILDREN for IONS.
The prosecutors, the "men" on the jury, the judge, the public carry on for Jose Menendez!

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