Eric Trump on Rogan Interview, Upbringing, Kamala Rally & Doug Emoff Allegations | PBD Podcast

13 hours ago


PBD Podcast 2024 Baseball Sweepstakes

The PBD Podcast 2024 Baseball Sweepstakes is Sponsored by Valuetainment LLC and open only to natural persons 18 years of age or older who are legal residents of the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia. Sweepstakes ends midnight 10/25/2024. For entry and Official Rules please see link in description for this episode of the Podcast available on the PBD Podcast channel on YouTube. Void where prohibited.














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00:00 - Podcast intro
01:00 - Eric Trump explains what Donald Trump is like behind the scenes.
21:00 - Eric talks about his father's relationship with the NY Yankees.
24:00 - Patrick previews the topics coming up on the podcast.
28:00 - Anderson Cooper gets defensive when pushed about the CNN Kamala Harris Town Hall
39:40 - Trump says he’s open to pardoning Hunter Biden
50:00 - The important issues to voters in the 2024 election.
1:03:00 - Will Joe Rogan be Donald Trump's FINAL interview?
1:07:30 - Donald Trump surprises JD Vance during NewsNation Town Hall.
1:21:00 - Doug Emhoff accused of abusing ex-girlfriend in public spat.
1:35:00 - How do you become battle tested guys
1:56:20 - Most Americans anticipate post-Election Day violence


Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Podcast intro
did you ever think you make iast Victory I know this life for
me why would you bet on Goliath when we got bet David value taming giving values
contagious this world of entrepreneurs we get no value to haters run homie look what I become I'm the I'm the
[Music] one all right so we have uh you know typically Adam wors is same outfit every
day today Adam's got a new uh do I don't know if you guys see what Adam looks like today he's got a new do because
Adam is late again again he's late and and and everybody that's watching this
we're early and we're starting early and we have none other than Eric Trump in the house you can't be late in life guys
no be late life so embarrassing we're anyways he'll walk in here in a minute and that's it that's a perfect picture
of him be on time vot be on time for meetings be on time Eric obviously there's not a lot going on with you guys
Eric Trump explains what Donald Trump is like behind the scenes.
right now not a lot with the family very slow not a lot of activity tell me this
walk me through this when does the day start what's your day look like from the morning till midnight what's the day
look like for the you know Trump family well listen guys remember outside of politics and I'm heavily involved in
politics I also run a you know big company so my my day starts early and and we're not much you know we're not
big sleepers in our family my father's not a big sleeper I'm not a big sleeper I'm normally 500 a.m. guy go to the gym you know get to it you know very very
early and you know get getting very late right the last two nights we've come in at 1:00 in the morning and you know come back from Big fundraisers big events I
was with him all over um All Over Georgia North Carolina I've been doing events all over the country and so no
guys not a lot of sleep now between obviously you know kind of campaign schedule and you know the final you know two weeks less than two weeks now 12
days and then obviously you know the the company we've got some of the greatest hotels all over the world and golf courses and residential buildings
commercial buildings you know literally on every corner of the globe and so uh not a whole lot of sleep in our family
and you're to EVP right you're to EVP of the entire organization yeah that's what I do okay so question with you there
because I got four kids and you know we got businesses that were running how does how was the family conversations
when you guys were kids younger think 10 12 13 14 years old 15 years old hey one
day you're going to run this and one day you're going to do that what were those conversations like with pops no actually
almost the exact opposite of that we were throwing on construction sites Don and I at at a very very young age right
about 11 started making you know a minimum wage and I was pulling conduit and I was doing HVAC work tile work concrete work everything that you can
possibly imagine right and I loved it but it was you know you're going to work with the stone masons these are guys you know tough Italian guys if you wor
gloves they would laugh at you I mean it's just you know you're you're little prep best in hands are going to get you know work hard in today little boy and
you know so they were tough on you guys oh these guys were freaking tough I mean these guys are no right there're you know these are these are
the real deal these are hardened you know tough guys and you know by the way some so many of them still work in the
company today and and uh you dear friends and worked for us forever and they're really kind of family of ours but no this is this is Real Deal stuff
and you know if you wanted a fishing rod guess what you know honey go out and work for it you know go dig a hole you
know go learn how to you know run backos bulldozers chainsaws and it's what we did every single summer and it was the
best thing that ever happened and so I I don't think there was any hey when you come into the business it's work earn it
and slowly grow your way in the company and if you're really good at what you do you can eventually have you know the keys um and I don't even that was stated
it was one of these things that we went out and we busted our bus every single day and trust me Donald Trump right he's
no pushover if we weren't really good at what we did if we didn't care if we didn't work our tail off we wouldn't be
in the seat that we were in I mean there's just there's there's no way there's too much riding on it they too questions with that so when I when I
study the Kennedy family specifically Joseph Kennedy right and even Michael Jordan when he hear stories about him
when he was younger his older brother the Dad would kick pin them against other competition and Michael in the
last St I think I don't know what scene it was when he says when I was a kid and I was going through it and my dad was saying you don't know what to do you
don't know you don't know how to comp you don't you just go play outside let us grown men do this and I wanted to
kill these guys right my own you know the level of competition he says but I realized I needed to go through that
phase of getting my skin to be thick before I became who I was was was Dad doing that or did he leave it to
everybody else to do it there was definitely friendly competition between Donny Von and I we're we're closest friend we're Inseparable right I mean we
have a really Inseparable family you no division which is actually hard to believe going through the political nonsense right I mean they've done everything they could to kind of break
up the family and divide us and and pin everybody against each other but what he was actually remarkable at he almost
took a different approach he'd give you tasks that were so insurmountable you realize he kind of laded them right but
I was you know 24 years old I'd get thrown into you know build that building you know like and by the way it's you're
in charge make good decisions I'd go to him often times hey I I've got a problem you know what's the answer and he would
kind of talk in a little bit of a circle but then at the end of his you you figure it out you figure it out and
don't get me wrong if I was going to go grossly arai he would have you know course corrected immediately but he
wanted people you know for him it was never about the you know you know the the phds it was never about the resume
it was it was guys who would go out there and bust their their butts bust their asses who worked who had common
sense who people liked you know who would go out there and and fight we have people in our company that were literally drivers they took me to school
as a kid who are general managers of some of the biggest hotels in in in the country because these guys always had
their hand up and and Donald Trump was always this guy you you keep your hand in the air right I mean driver you know
we were looking we were bring Architects out to Las Vegas when we did our our big hotel out there right 64 stories on the
Strip you know right across from the wind amazing building hey I'll I'll take them out you know as driver I I'll take
the Architects out no problem you know a couple weeks later we're getting financing and we're you know going through the whole bank process hey I'll
take those Bankers out I'll show them sight I'll you know I'll take them through the plans that we have the guy always just had his hand up and and guess what you know 15 years later 20
years later he's running a you know several billion dollar building that's you know one one of the biggest in Las Vegas and and this is a guy who started
as a driver and it was never about the guys who who graduated from Yale and Princeton it was about the guys who
worked hard who were no BS who were honest who were loyal who always hand had their hand up and uh you know very
different I mean and and by the way one other thing he instilled confidence in people who otherwise might have not had
confidence in themselves and and he would build them up Brian's the greatest he does the greatest job this guy works hard on everybody everybody loves this
guy you watch this guy's going to get the project done on time under budget and he'd build up their personality
where they actually believed in themselves where where otherwise they would said hey I'm not I'm not I'm just not qualified for that I mean how many
times have you heard that across your life and when in reality they were almost the most qualified you know in a
crazy way they had the street smarts they had the it's um now he's he was a remarkable guy he's made so many careers
remarkable boss but you better believe when we were you know 14 years old it wasn't hey when when you take over the company one day no go out
and dig that damn hole and and and work for it I was in uh Vermont visiting this insurance company called National life
group and it was showing this person's been here for 38 years this person been here for 30 years 28 years who are some
of the longest standing employees within the organization and what are the timelines well if you haven't been in our company for 20 years you're like a
you know you're like a junior very Junior people I mean I always say you know you make it the first year with us and we love you you know you're in for
life and uh you walk down the Hall of our company every single person 20 years 25 years 30 years I mean it's it's a
remarkable thing and so many people who came through I hate hiring from outside
I hate it it it drives me crazy because you can never learn who a person is on a resume you just don't and I'd much
rather have somebody that you know started as a bus boy and and and you know worked his way into kind of you know being an FNB director and then kind
of worked his way into assistant general manager and then you take that person you put them in another property they succeed every single time because you
know their heart and soul you know they're work ethic you know you know I mean they've just been tested over and over and over and and by the way they're
the people who are most appreciative I mean think about the kind of Fu it sends throughout corporate culture you know
when when somebody's worked in a company for 15 years and they've Rose the ranks and then you jump ahead of them and you go grab some guy you know some stiff
from Rich Carlton or something along those lines and you bring them in and and you totally jump over them it uh I I
try never to do that and my father was the same way he always likeed hiring from within how many people over 20
years if you were to give a number of thousands wow I mean listen guys we probably have 6 7,000 people in our
company right now right across you know and and and growing awfully quickly and uh but but people whose careers he's
made you know I mean it's uh it's it's remarkable and by the way people who
would have never otherwise gotten jobs and this going sound a little bit bad so I I but you know 1980s um you know he
was giving you know very construction very male-dominated industry in New York I mean very few females in there you
know made made many his project manager females he never gets any credit for that and and they were killers and they went out and they did unbelievable
things and built some you know and he was always willing to just give whoever was the best person whoever had their
hand up who would ever be that killer who would ever work you know kind of 24 hours a day to prove themselves hey by
the way welcome in yeah yeah it's good to have you you know I'm so sorry Eric like this now the audience know now they
know Eric always Adam Eric is here he's trying to be professional he early I
mean I'm sorry to the to the audience you you would assume he would give some respect I mean he came early the guy to
give a little respect then cuz I'm going to blame somebody for me being late who your father why because we've been
having such an amazing time at Mara Lago the last two nights yeah I've never been
little tired and no I I don't drink anymore thanks to this guy zero drinking
lot of YMCA a lot of amazing movies a lot of amazing people what a place this
marago got to tell you and my AP get your head great conversation don't
interrupt let us have the conversation going back to it okay so the idea during
dinner cuz dinner is a lot of you know you learn a lot about families during dinner conversations so if we were to
take a 100 dinners and we were to run data to say what are the top 10 most
common conversations that would come up is it Sports which team is it movies is it music is it business is it real
estate what were some of the common conversations again when you were a kid right I'm not talking 20 plus I'm
talking 12 13 14 15 16 during that age so he's always been a guy who's been myopically and I think as a family first
of all great sense of humor right we like to laugh we like to PO fun I mean a lot of you know kind of talk for lack of a better term right against all
of us New Yorkers you guys are New Yorkers yeah 100% you get it right but but I mean you know we're a very very
close family but we're also in very Alpha family right very kind of competitive family we have a lot of fun and you know we're all probably loud in
our own ways everybody wants a stage everybody wants the microphone so you get a lot of that at our TBL it's probably no different than than your
tables right but um you know I I think the conversation always kind of revolved he was very myopically focused on on
whatever he was doing at the time right in the casino years in the in the early years I mean he was myopically focused
on on casinos right and everything would be about the casino business and building the casinos and you know who's
is Michael Jackson going to show up to is kogan going to show up today you know you know what event you have and you know when when that moved later on to
the hotels the golf courses that became kind of the you know the focus when we got into The Apprentice you know The
Apprentice became the and and it was a certain way of actually I think maybe you know psychologically honing yourself
where you just dig so deep into whatever you want to focus on that It ultimately becomes a success because you're just so
impassioned about it but I I think that conversation over the course of time you know moved from kind of you know from
Focus to focus certainly when we got into politics real estate became a much smaller conversation at the dinner table
and guess what it it's it's much more of a political conversation you know can you believe this can you believe this nonsense right and and so it's always
how he actually I think honed himself and and and got many of kind of the talking points and um you know and kind
of you know grounded his convictions and in whatever he was doing in the moment what qualities did he dislike the most
like if I'm talking about victimhood blame what was it when he's looking at somebody somebody doesn't make it somebody feels an enemy he goes up
against an opponent somebody he watches and sports were there any qualities but like if you want to fail in life here's
the three things laziness he had no tolerance for lazy right and and you know he could always respect somebody
who was a hard fighter on the other side of the table but as somebody who fought he always liked the fighter you know he
never liked the lazy person you know he he you he wanted the person to be motivated I mean he'll call me in the
morning and you know I'm an early guy and I'm a kind of a late guy and honey it'll be 5:30 in the morning honey are you awake yeah I'm speaking to you I'm
awake and he'll call me that same night you know 11:45 honey are you awake yeah I'm I'm awake you know and he's caught
me a couple times right it's you know it's 10:30 you pass out on you know honey did I catch you you're you're
sleeping you're not allowed to be sleep I'm a guy that gets four hours of sleep at night right I'm a guy who you
know travels on a plane 210 days a year and and you're literally you know busting my jobs for but uh no he's uh
he's he's remarkable he likes hard workers you know he and he likes people who have passion you know and and for anything I'm the same way I like people
who have I don't care if you're into knitting if you are truly passionate about something and you want to be be a master of that of that craft I just find
those people kind of fascinating he always did too he's he's a guy who'd pull up you know he'd see a stone Mason
on the side of the road he'd be building an incredible wall he'd pull up to him that's the most incredible stone wall I've ever seen is that blue stone is
that flagstone you know you believe in dry packing what kind of concrete do you use I mean he's the guy who' always get
so myopic and and he would love to dig into the minds of people who are truly kind of you know captains of industry
they might not be you know captains of industry in the big sense but people who truly knew their trade and knew that trade better than anybody and were
perfectionists and he always loved those people you know it's it's kind of why I call him sometimes the you know the blue
collar billionaire right I mean he always did really well with you know go up to that electrician you know hey bu are we on schedule you know tell me
about this job what's going right this a guy that's installing electrical outlet this isn't the guy that's running the company he learned more from those guys
than he did from certainly any day from the guys who are actually you know running those organizations how about
behind close TS you were Apprentice you've done a lot of deals you've seen him negotiate if you were to say a
couple things his go-to when it comes out to negotiations he'll do XYZ what is his I mean I've read art of the deal
we've seen some of the stuff he said on uh The Apprentice but from your perspective negotiate everything I mean he he was he was always a tough
negotiator he was a fair negotiator but he was a tough negotiator he's a guy who expected quality I remember as you know kids we' and really my whole life and I
might actually be worse at this point to tell you the truth but we'd be walking through a casino as a little kid he was stop a caravan of people because he
would see a little pain trip on a wall you know that was so insignificant that no one would ever point out and he would
make a spectacle out of it right and what that was doing was actually convin you know it's you know it it was
conditioning people to to be perfectionists you know don't have that paint RP right you know don't have that
burnt out bulb people notice these little details and it made the teams substantially better and um you know
it's kind of one of the reasons we have the quality that we do in our company but so often times I'll show up at our properties I'll walk through the loading dock our lobbies are going to be perfect
every single time but I want to see every mechanical room I want to make sure that there's no dust on an HVAC system and you know kind of a back
closet you know they've got to be perfectly painted well lit they've got to be Immaculate and the way you conduct yourself kind of you know back a house
is obviously it's good to transfer over the way you interact with guests and you know the way you hold yourself and um
but no he was a perfectionist and he's um you know very kind of you know OCD in terms of of of detail and um you know
tough negotiator and um a a guy who really you know beyond anything I think a great cheerleader and I think you see
that in in politics certainly but you know he cheerleads for things that he believes in you know I want America to
be the greatest country in the world we're going to have the best economy we're going to have the lowest taxes we're going to we're going to have the
greatest military our vets are going to be you know put first you know we're not going to let these companies rip us off
and you know Screw us all around the world we're going to renegotiate these deals China's not going you know get away with murder anymore but he did that
in business as well right Turnberry is the greatest golf course we're building something that's better than anything in the world and and he meant it right but
but he was also willing to say it right he was always a great cheerleader and and and Frank L you know to the political side of this conversation it's
it's something that I think this country is missing in a big way we don't have cheerleaders anymore I read this book uh 38 letters John de Rockefeller wrote his
uh son Incredible Book I mean you won't be able to put it down it's insane and I think it's like chapter 4 you know
letter 4 five where he says uh Dear John I have some terrible news to give you
today uh Mr Benson my greatest rival died today and it goes through the whole
story right who were some of your father's greatest Rivals that you've
seen oh wow he's had a lot of Rivals over the years right I mean going into the casino world I mean all the casinos
Rivals because they were all competing over obviously a very limited amount of licenses you go into New York everybody
wanted the trophy sites and so you name it um both individuals and kind of you know public companies I mean real
estate's Cut Throat I mean it it's incredibly cutthoat and and so you know I think in a certain way it actually
kind of mastered the craft going into to politics what I will say is is as Cutthroat as real estate is it it's it's
a pittance compared to politics right because you can have two people that are fundamentally you know not aligned
meaning in terms of beliefs you could have Bernie Sanders and you could have D Donald Trump but in a capitalist World
they'll work together to create the greatest product to do it better than anybody to compete you know harder you
know and they can align themselves in a political world they can't right it's it's you know power is is become so
corrupting in in this country that and I think it's why you see kind of political rivalries that are are so much more
Fierce than you could ever probably see in in you know in a capitalistic world two capitalists can come together for
the you know for the reason of again capitalism um you know Nancy Pelosi will
never give up her power she'll never give up that you know incredible White marble office she wants to hold on to
that imp perpetuity right and and uh and that power becomes very corrupting and I think that's why you truly see kind of
these rivalries the competition in in politics that's unlike anything that you probably see in the commercial space
well you see that I mean but but but publicly you know who who were some of the ones that you would say I'm talking
specific like business were there you know like NFL did when he was trying to you know buy a team the Buffalo Bills or
was it win the licensing in Las Vegas certainly uh Carl icon was probably a great competitor um you know certainly
um win because they competed against each other and it what's funny is you know he's de friends with with Carl now he's de friends with Steve um certainly
I mean went in tried to buy the Buffalo Bills and you know uh probably um probably the NFL and kind of the powers
to be there and I mean every developer in in New York whether it be the related and again these guys are all our best
friends now but I mean that's just the way of the world it's no different than you compete against other media Outlets every single day and you know many of
them your friends but listen you know life is Cut Throat especially in that world you know New York real estate was
was tough and um you know frankly you're competing against contractors as well you know who who often times have
limited Supply and you you need to Vin him to your projects versus others I mean you know in that world you're in competition with everyone it's it will
there ever be a time where you're saying these Rivals a Hillary Clinton will be your best friend will there ever come a
time where you guys will be going to dinner as a family and Chelsea sitting there and Bill's sitting there you hey
how you what do you think about the Yankees Dodgers you think that they will be in the future I I think very few
there are people I have tremendous respect for on the other side of of of the aisle Georgina Bloomberg great girl unbelievable girl and and you know
obviously you know he ran against my father and you know he spent $2 billion I think I don't think he got one delegate it's funny actually he did he
got Guam he got Guam and actually if you took the $2 billion he spent on the race he could have bought all the private
real estate in Guam and had the vote and he could have owned it I always found that but but Geor is
an amazing amazing girl I could never say anything bad about her and and there are people on that side of the aisle um
listen absolutely um it does become deeply personal with Calas when they're coming out calling you Hitler and fascist right it's kind of hard you know
it's different if if two people are competing for a a site on 57th and 5th and uh you know you know somebody's
willing to pay 30 million bucks and the next guy's willing to pay you know 31 million bucks and you lose the thing right it's it's hard to have animosity
towards something when they literally spend the last 10 years trying to throw me in jail for doing nothing wrong I've never gotten so much as a speeding
ticket I think it's a lot harder to mend that kind of relationship if that makes sense yeah no I and we'll talk about
that here in a minute I got some stories I want to get into with you I guess before we go into the stories today we got a lot of them obviously uh uh I
think according to MSNBC yesterday Anderson Cooper endorsed your father I
Eric talks about his father's relationship with the NY Yankees.
think so according to MSNBC and he had to even explain himself we'll talk about that we got a you know is it who is the
the one from uh M right that she unfortun she had a big rough day yesterday a few other people will show
the reaction to that before going into this you're you guys are in New York were the trumps Yankees or Mets Ian is
it a Yankee family of course we a Yankee Yanke tell us some stories about Stein burner going to the sweets who's there
did you see some of the greats who who were in the sweets all right let me tell you I've got the greatest Stein Brown
story so he loved my father and my father loved him and he was by the way you want to talk about an ultimate competitor this guy was like the
ultimate competitor great family great everything and so I used to go to the games and and you'd have um you know you
Joe deio I remember this right he'd always kind of be sitting there you know often times by himself you had uh
Giuliani interesting you would Henry Kissinger and I I I guess he was just a massive Yankees fan but I remember Hen
Henry Kissinger in the box all the time and then it was you know like my father and I often times you had a lot of empty seats in the boxes um you know because
obviously Stein Brer took this seriously this was not like an entertainment party I remember you'd see these great batters
right and and you know they would they would strike out they were batting you know 320 or whatever it was and you
would literally have Stein Brer go grab the red phone in the big box and he would call out to the dougout I want
that Mother E foron he's no freaking oh my God we pay this guy too much you know
you like Jeter right I mean Jeter Jeter's up and bad he he screws up one time he doesn't yeah I want that damn
guy gone he's no freaking good oh my and and it was beautiful right I mean I I don't think I figured out the game of
life back then but I mean he was just instilling excellence in these people right and and and he demanded Perfection
and he looked at the Yankee streak over that period of time I mean they won like you know every second I mean they were
Unstoppable and you know you want to talk about a home team but he was a tough cach I mean he was a tough tough
cookie and and and God bless I love that and in so many ways I see my father in him I think it's one of the reasons that
they kind of got along you know you know expected Perfection you know tough as hell um and and it was a beautiful thing
I mean I I don't think there's many team owners in history that even even remotely rival to what Stein brener did
you know it it's maybe Jerry bus in the NBA side he won he won 10 and 33 years
but not 27 Jerry was not a no but 27 is all time yeah of course this guy did 10
and 33 but Jerry wasn't the personality that steinner was of course steinner was
made for TV I mean some of the stuff that he he was amazing oh by the way and they would have you remember these the
old clips I mean they would zoom in on the box and they would have him on the phone just shouting into the phone and they'd have the split screen of you know
the poor general manager at the time who's just getting reamed out I mean he batter the guy was batting like 319 or
whatever the hell it is and he's reaming the guy out because he didn't make one play it's it was a remarkable thing you
know whereas most of the owners would be up in the box kind of clapping okay you know better you know better luck next time buddy right and and I mean he just
Patrick previews the topics coming up on the podcast.
kept that constant pressure and it was it was an amazing thing to watch as a kid again I'm not sure I fully understood the game at the time I was
too young but kind of looking back I mean I I remember those moments vividly and it was he was just a remarkable
remarkable owner wellow you know uh is there a prediction for Yankees Dodgers well of course I'm going to go with
Yankees all right well we're excited to see what happens having said that we got a lot of stories we're going to go through today we're going to talk about
what Anderson did his town hall and then having to explain himself to everybody and even Charlamagne the God is sitting
there you know uh uh uh chewing them out saying you guys spend way too much time talking about whether Cameo is black or
not instead of actually Anderson what are you talking about I'm doing my job I'm not like the MSNBC guys that get the
blow drrive whatever you call them high I'm high paid as well I thought it was a great clip we'll show that we got a few
other things that happened that we'll go through Rob what Clips do you have that we want to go through that's one of them Keith Oberman saying El musk should be
deported which is always exciting to hear that guy General Kelly he's saying a few things I want to hear your
thoughts on him um Hunter Biden pardon which was very interesting to bring that
up the trend the aragua the Venezuelans what's happening with New York with 600 of them voter fraud how do you prevent
that a Jamie Raskin video I want to get from you from a couple months ago when he said if they win we're going to use January 6th 2025 I I'll I'll get your
reaction on that and then a few other stories that we have here and obviously tonight is the big night in Houston the
great Beyonce is is a performing to you know once she performs it's over I mean it's like Republicans are going to be
running to vote for AA after Beyonce I thought it was over when Samuel Jackson Ando that was a done deal but no emem
dropped the ball when he he did his thing he was over with let me let me just kind of go through this guys we did
this yesterday tonight it ends at midnight I just want to re remind everybody next week we're running a
we're running a sweep Stak for next week the big game next week game five in New York against La October 30th and this is
what we're doing for every dollar spent on merch VT we got 15 new hats
this is officially the number one selling new hat that came about we got a bunch of other ones there the polo shirts are going left and right but for
every dollar you spend on merch up to $1,000 your name will go in the raffle
uh and tomorrow and we'll go into sweep stakes and then tomorrow we will pull a name and one of you will be joining us
next uh next is a next uh uh Wednesday October 30th at game five and we're
excited about it but it's again It Ends Tonight uh Tom if I'm not mistaken at midnight do you have any other thing and
by the way we'll get you one ticket you'll be with us uh one seat when you join us and on top of that $2,500 for
flight and room and Tom maybe if you got any other thing to add to it we've got the legal stuff CU this is United States
of America and lawyers are everywhere and we've got one too no purchase necessary for the pbd podcast 2024
baseball sweet steak sponsored by value tainment and open only the legal residents of the United States and
District of Columbia 18 years and older entry deadline again tonight October
25th at 11:59 midnight tonight for full entry and rules visit VT where
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can you pull up the Anderson Cooper clip so Anderson Cooper does a town hall with kamla doesn't go well right she even was
asked do you have the clip Rob when she's asked the question about you know I don't know everything and some of the
stuff I have to go back and study and and research and learn I don't know if you saw that clip or not I can find it she was being a little she goes Anderson
you know Anderson right well I mean you know there is this part when guys are
Anderson Cooper gets defensive when pushed about the CNN Kamala Harris Town Hall
reacting to it saying wait a minute you've been a vice president for all these years and you're saying you don't have the answer and she said yeah I got
to go back and do some research is that the one Rob or is it a different one that was when they asked if there's anything that any mistakes that she's
made no not that one so why don't you why don't you play the clip of Anderson Cooper reacting again in the inter room
we'll find a clip so this is him being chewed out go and play this clip go for it where you know what I got so many I
don't look at comments about myself but I I was looking up some comments about my grief podcast and I came across this
whole inundation from people who are Harris supporters saying to me online today like how dare you what a betrayal
that you would ask her these questions and I'm like job you misunderstand what my job is I'm not on MSNBC or and no
disrespect they what they do is they're very talented but it's I don't watch it I'm not interested in watching what
these overpaid blowdried anchors think and I include myself in that overpaid blowdried although I don't blow dry um I
am overpaid but I don't want I'm not interested in the Anchor's opinion I'm
interested in facts and letting the viewers make up their own mind so anyway I'm sorry this Devol something how do you process this Eric
listen guys it's a joke I mean this is a person that's running the United States of America this is a person who was sitting on the you know the largest n
nuclear stockpile in the world this is a person you know you president G out there that wants to eat our lunch you
know economically militarily they want to win the war against the United States Guys Without they ever being a shot
fired right I just make no mistake about it and you have a person who who literally can't get through a sentence
you have a person who who doesn't understand basic taxation in this country you have it's it's insane and
you have an entire mainstream media that's that's covering up for her and you know guys it's actually the greatest thing Patrick it's the greatest thing
for you because the the mainstream media in this country is shooting itself in the head no one trust it anymore right
Anderson Cooper sits in a a building in in you know Columbus Circle with
thousands of people the overhead is hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollar every single year and they have what 300,000 listeners I mean
they've got no one it's like it's not even worth going on the show you know versus independent guys like like you
that aren't being told what to say by kind of you know Corporate America who's pulling in tens and tens and tens of
millions of listeners people don't trust them anymore and the more they carry on these games you know I I think I think
the better the worse they're certainly going to do the better you're going to do but listen guys it's embarrassment that whole town hall was an
embarrassment I mean she couldn't name self-deprecating fact about herself which I think is actually the clip that you were trying to play where she goes
you know uh one one self-deprecating thing about me is sometimes I have to go back and do do research and it didn't it
it it didn't make sense you're sitting there saying how is this person going to deal with Putin how is this person going to solve Wars how how is this person
going to bring you know Russia and Ukraine together a conflict that we've spent $200 billion do on you know millions of lives at this point
destroyed cities you know and you know she she can't she can't answer a question from a woman about taxation in
in the United States of America yet this is the commander-in-chief guys this is the United States of America we can do a hell of a lot better than this and uh
you know but the fact is they they give him they give her a free pass for just about everything and remember one thing
the Washington Post like you know 10 weeks ago right before they threw Biden out of office was literally encouraging
her to drop out of the race for the benefit of the democratic party and then all of a sudden you know she becomes the
anointed one in like 18 hours tell me that wasn't a whole set up up I mean she had what you know 4,700 delegates lined
up and 40 days of interview embargo where she didn't go any interview where she had 98% POS 4700 delegates lined up
perfectly in her camp in like 17 hours no one could do that and then all of a sudden the media changes her tune she's
like the modern day Margaret Thatcher of the United States give me a break no one no one buys this nonsense and it's guys
it's infuriating to see it's it's infuriating because I'm a guy who just loves red white and blue you know for forget about the fact that I'm in the
fight but I love this country and this is probably the least qualified person that we it's by far the least qualified
person we've ever had run for this you just you just nailed it Eric she's not supposed to be here the the debate where
your father just buried uh Biden once and for all that was the panic and the DNC were like oh my God and then they
have to prop her up she didn't expect to be in like in this uh Limelight I didn't think so they were going to be riding
with Biden Even Adam you know we made bets where we're like no there's no way he's winning he's doing it that debate
ruined everything for them she's the the the reason she's like this she didn't expect to be here how pissed off do you
think Biden is right now oh it's Furious I mean I would I would bet Siri's money that Biden actually secretly votes for
for Trump at this point I mean it was like guys it was like the greatest hostile takeover and he got so Bamboozled and they all they all
convinced him that his legacy would be cemented in the fact that he you know he graciously dropped out you saw the lip
reading the eth Kennedy funeral now now he goes down as a guy who's you know listen he he lost cognition he lost
everything but then he also goes down as a guy who might have picked the the the dumbest VP in the history of the country
and one who cannot stand on her own and and one God forbid something would have happened to him could not have run this country and in a certain way I actually
think it's it's just you know it's almost like you know double kill it's
hey Eric it seems like they're about to get go from Desperate to dire situation
in the Democratic party like it seems as if your dad Donald J Trump is almost in
a flow state right now you know like when you're in sports you're humming you're humming on all cylinders he did
the McDonald's thing the Al Smith dinner was hilarious he's doing the like he's going on the biggest podcast in the
world pbd is going to be on Rogan he's in this Flow State right now he's FL when we were there at marago the YMC
speaking just with confidence whereas Kamala it's almost a state of desperation yeah it's a state of fear so
10 days out I mean what stories could even break at this point that could put
any damage to the campaign at this point like what are you guys doing on your end cuz I don't even know if it's about
offense defense at this point what are you guys doing being like guys we're 10 days out yeah I don't know if you saw the news not just the Electoral College
I think Trump is now tied with Kam on the popular vote the Republicans haven't won the public Boot and I don't know how
many years so you guys kind of almost have this 10 days out what can you guys do to be like hold down the ship guys 10
days left what more can they do well honestly all it is go out and vote right at the end of the day everybody has to get out and vote and you can never never
take these people for granted you cannot you cannot rest on your laurels I want to play like we're a point behind and and you know people have to get out and
we've seen great early voting people the Republican part's changed so much and so many people are going out early but but
you know to your your your point I literally have been tweeting every month for the last you know year there will be an October surprise because that's what
they always do it's it's their game plan remember Bill Clinton you know used talk about the October surprise is something that they pop on you so late that you
can't otherwise disprove it which takes you down by five points in the polls you know and and and by the way by the time
you can disprove it the election's already over and it's been the Democratic playbook for the last you know 50 years and and they've done it
every single time the problem I think the difference with Donald Trump this time around is they did it they did it with the Russia hoax they made up a
dirty dossier which was had Unthinkable things in there right I mean Unthinkable things were said about the guy in there
they tried to impeach him twice they went after Supreme Court justices they took him off the ballots in Maine and
and in Colorado they they put every da and AG in the country onto this this poor guy over and over they raided his
wife closet they raided Baron's room I got 111 subpoenas right they took him off of Twitter Facebook Instagram we had
to create truth social just as a way to communicate you know guys they've tried damn near everything and a lot of people
in this country will say they tried to kill him right and and yep right so they've tried everything to take Donald Trump out of the race you think them
coming out and saying that you know a a general who was by the way one of the least impressive people I've ever met in my entire life you know considers Donald
Trump a fascist Kelly at this point after 10 years do
you think this is going to be like the deciding blow of course not you know of course not what's ironic about this
whole conversation is is Doug mhof right he's he's accused of of you know beating some you know the street you know a
witness by by apparently a lot of people I mean this is what's being reported all over the place could you imagine if that was if that was Donald Trump I mean you
know disqualified and they don't even they don't even want to talk about it I mean they literally don't want to even bring up the story that's how
corrupt the mainstream media is and and obviously you guys are and a lot of other people are but it's I almost don't
think you know they'll try for as many October surprises as they can get because that's their game plan but but I think you know it's no longer sticky
right they've thrown so much crap at a wall it just no longer sticks because how many times can you cry wolf you just
it's that's why I think it won't work like unless is there's nothing short of a worldwide pandemic no story no person
coming out no tabloid is going to do anything against a Teflon Dawn at this point we know that at this point no
story is going to break the the barrier between what he has going on versus her
guys at the end of the day I mean just look at the difference in four years right I mean come back to it you know
somebody might not like you know a tough tweet my father's a very direct guy and I love listen we're we're we're New Yorkers right we we love we love direct
no no BS you know kind of tough but you know people haven't gotten a wage increase more people working three time
you know three four jobs than ever before 25% of this country is behind their under their electrical bills this
is United States of America how the hell you 25% of the country behind on you know electrical bills you have the highest credit card debt in history in
this country and by the way no one talks about the fact that that's you know before the the buy now pay later schemes right which is hundreds of billions of
dollars no one talks about that you know nothing's working right all the while you've had 10% inflation compounding
inflation you know damn near it anybody who actually thinks that you know the 6% inflation number is a real number you know anybody who runs a business knows
that these are kind of fake numbers so you've had stagnation wage growth you've had massive inflation you know so you've
created this this this massive kind of Delta you know people are so crammed down they're losing the American dream
nothing works I mean imagine being imagine being like a 22-year-old kid who falls in love comes out of college comes
out of school wants to buy a house so so housing is double based on inflation the fact that every 2x4 is now 12 Bucks
versus you know two bucks under my father fuel costs everything else building materials and now you have to
go out and get a mortgage for what 8% you know 9% if you can even get financing on
you know I mean they've made the American dream unaffordable and everybody realizes that and I don't care how many times somebody comes out and
and and makes up these silly sound bites that we've heard for 50 years they've called every Republican for 50 years a fascist it's kind of interesting that
they call my father a fascist whereas he's the one guy who didn't want to get into a war he's the one guy who pulled us out of every single War isn't that
isn't that kind of ironic right I mean he criticizes the greatest War Machine in the history of the world which which
has become us over the last you know 20 years you know he kept us out of every single War yet they call him a fascist I
mean I kind of find that a little ironic right mhm question in regards to what you said earlier you said um you know
it's at a point that Biden may actually vote for Trump right obviously you're joking when you're saying about maybe
you're not fully joking yesterday the story comes out Rob if you got the clip with Hunter Biden uh uh pardon and you
know when you see is this the clip of that it is this is uh the president on an interview with Hugh huet go for it it
go for it will you pardon Hunter Biden uh I wouldn't take it off the book
see un likee Joe Biden despite what they've done to me after me so viciously
Trump says he’s open to pardoning Hunter Biden
despite what uh and Hunter is a bad boy there's no question about it he's been a bad boy you to do see the laptop from
hell but I happen to think it's very bad for the country I I was I think you know
this but most people don't because most people aren't of your Talent uh I could
have gone after Hillary I could have gotten Hillary Clinton very easily and when they lock her up whenever they said
lock her you know they 30,000 F lock her up lock her up what did I do I always
take it easy just relax winning take it easy take it easy I could have had her put in jail and I decided I didn't want
to do that I thought it would look terrible had the wife of the president of the United States in jail I thought
it would be very bad if you did that Robbie Ki has got so a part of this I
mean I wonder how Joe is watching this does Joe watch this and say well I mean
if K gets elected Hunter's going to get by you know pardon anyways or does she does he watching and say this this guy's
going to pardon my and part of it strategically for president your father for for him to say we're going to Pardon
Hunter Biden and that's on the table that's a big curveball for the opposition I I hope he does um honestly
I hope he does I I've I've probably seen legal law fair unlike anybody else in the history of this country I'm the most subpoena person in the history of this
country because they couldn't get to my father through the executive branch so guess what they did they came after the guy who ran a company right and I I had
111 subpoenas and these aren't like baby subpoenas right these are subpoenas from you know the the top Senators top
congressmen um they came after us you know give us every single email with a comma in it I mean literally they would
just copy subpoenas You' literally have you know the house copying Senate you know subpoenas you'd have AGS and Das
copying Senate subpoenas because they didn't want to do their own work and just guys I'm talking about hundreds of
millions of dollars worth illegal fees just to I'm a guy who's never got a speeding tiet I'm a guy who you know you
know no no problems in my life no no bad habits no you know and and it's the legal laware it just as bad
as Hunter's been and he went around the world and he ripped off every and he sold influences and and give me a break
right finger painting I mean selling these shitty pictures to you know the Chinese businessman or whoever the hell
it is for for 200 Grand I mean could you possibly imagine I mean I literally went to
Supreme Court because a wine bar 2 mil away from one of our hotels said that we were violating the emoluments Clause of
the Constitution because they sent somebody into our hotel to buy a glass of wine who is from a different company
a different country you know and and literally you know they walk in the front entrance sit up the bar buy a glass of wine you know in a wine bar Su
us you know saying that we're we're violating the the ents yet Hunter Biden's going out right hotels which we've been running by the way for 50
years you know a fourth generation in real estate yet you know Hunter Biden's going out and selling you know kind of finger art to people at the same time we
can't devage into this country where we go after you know presidential kids right when when you see Baron's room get
raided by the FBI like stop guys this is it's it's gone into turmoil and you know
Hunter is a bad kid there's no question about it the kid's got real problems right and and by the way the drug side of it I I can't tell you how many
friends I've I have that have fallen into you know into that world and you guys you know know so many as well and
you know that side of it breaks my heart you know the side of him being kind of a dirt bag in terms of you know pedaling
influence all over the place you know hey you run a great company you know you have a website you know where where's
Hunter Biden's website what's he selling yeah right and we all know the answer to the question right I'm asking rhetorical questions at this point but you know why
do you need 50 shell entities like you know what what product are you you know you're not selling these beautiful hats you're not selling T-shirts you're not a
media company you're not selling ads you know what the hell are you selling but despite that I I think we get into very
very dangerous spot if if we create a kind of a a preit where you just go after everybody's children their wives
their family what's going to end up actually happening in this country just already happened you're just not going to have any good candidates because everybody's going to say I'm not signing
up for this crap it's not worth it right so you're going to end up dealing with mediocrity which is exactly what we're seeing with Cala Harris that's the type
of people you're going to have running in the United States of of America and if that's the country we become guys we don't have a chance against these
killers like China I you know I I know the games that these people play you do as well you know they are out for one
goal and that's to win they're the George steinbrener of of countries right they they are out to win um and you know
you start doing this you you allow legal lawfare to exist I mean look at doj going after Elon Musk yesterday because
he goes listen I'm going to give a raffle you know $1 million you know doj pops up you know about three seconds later it's the same doj that sent the
number three person from Washington DC the number three person in the doj went from Washington DC into New York City
right with the sole intent of every single day working on Prosecuting Donald Trump and and racking up as many
felonies that they possibly can guys we can't be that country you know we're we're no better than venzel if we are
you said I hope he does pardon Hunter Biden I I mean that that's not a
lightweight statement right there that's pretty intense would you mind going deeper meaning because you know what it's like you said you've been subpoena
more than possibly anybody in the country over a thousand time how many times did you say 100 111 okay going into Baron's room but there's also
another component there's the I'm a bigger person yeah I'm I have the ability to unite the
country Trump has the ability to almost rewrite his legacy yeah like once's the last time a president came back and won
again it was like Grover Cleveland 100 years ago he's about to do something hasn't been done in 100 years it's very impressive but the unifying The Divided
States of America I think is something that he has the capability to do if he's able to do things like that so pardoning
Hunter Biden would almost be symbolic saying this is a great way to start my second term yeah could you go deeper on
that more the otal component not just the legal component I think he's at a point right now and listen I say this as
a son but but I really mean and I really mean it from my heart I I think he's at a point where he's at the precipice of truly being a transformational he listen
he was transformational in terms of the acts of of you know kind of 20 2016 to 2020 right trade deals making you know
everybody realize we're being ripped off the the immigration I mean so many of the things that he focused on you know kind of putting America first you know
kind of exposing the Deep State might be his greatest accomplishment is just exposing kind of the the true corruption
you know if he wins in 12 days I really think he'll he'll have be on the pressit of going down as truly one of the the
greatest most iconic leaders in American history if if not the world right guys they threw everything aside from all the
things that that kind of list I went through right trying to try to deplatform him take his voice take his you know freedom of speech um you know
impeach him go after every single person around him go after his family you know put him in jail everything that they've
tried to do you know if if he's able to to beat that then beat the mainstream media right again the 92% negative
coverage of him you know one person maybe one person with with with me and a few other people around him who have
kind of stood on that stage every single day you know he beats the media he beats the Deep State he beats all all the
nonsense right you know he beats every effort to to kind of take him down and he gets back into office and he does
what he says he fixes the economy he fixes prices he fixes you know gas prices he renegotiates trade deals which
absolutely infuriate me because we were getting absolutely Bamboozled all around you know the world he restores freedom
of speech you know he does that with Elon because obviously elon's on a tear about this but he's he's right I mean listen guys this our First Amendment
right this isn't you know this isn't the 20 no this is our first amendment num you know brings religion back to society
allows Faith again in society you know gets government out of people's lives it
you know does Great accomplishments lands that person on on Mars right I mean keeps us as as the true
superpower in spite of everything that they threw in his face you know his his face should be up on Mount Rushmore
right and I'm not I'm not saying that as a son I'm saying you got you got to respect that that's one man taking on
every institution that's been weaponized against America and he did it by himself you

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