Calley Means: The Italians are three times less obese and diabetic than us

3 months ago

"And I told them that it's being pushed on kids and that there's an aggressive effort where Dr. Fatima Cody-Stanford, the top obesity researcher at Harvard, was funded significantly by Novo Nordics and millions of dollars in research grants and went on 60 Minutes where the top funder of 60 Minutes is pharmaceutical companies.

Instead, obesity's a brain disease and a genetic. She said that, top Harvard researcher. And she said it needs to be aggressively intervened for kids. And I said, there's open season on kids. The guy who introduced the bill, he said, that's not true. I'm going to put in the bill that kids can't use. I'm like, you'd be going against the FDA guidance on that.

You can't do that. I go, you understand based on the JP Morgan estimates, where they literally presented the estimates of increasing obesity rates at the JP Morgan conference in San Francisco. And all the investors clap like seals, standing ovation. Standing ovation as they presented a chart on rising obesity rates showing that as Ozempic increases in prescription rates, obesity in the United States will increase.

Unpack that one for me. They show that graph and everyone claps because it's a lifetime drug, because it's a crash diet. It's liquid anorexia. It makes you not want to eat. Crash diets don't work, right? And of course, you know, more than 50% of the people that even have insurance funding for it go off of it within six months because it's the highest rate of side effects of any mass drug prescribed in American history.

But he didn't know all that. And he looked at me in the eye, the person who introduced this bill that is going to be one of the most expensive bills in American history, the market cap of the ninth most valuable company, the most valuable company in Europe. They passed LVMH, the fashion company, the most valuable company in Europe, rests on this bill. This is the guy that essentially wrote it. He said, no, no, no, it's a short-term solve.

Ozempic's a short-term solve, look at me right in the eyes. I'm like, no, it literally says there's metabolic issues and it warns somebody going off the drug. It says you have to take it for life. That's what, he did not know that. It wasn't, like the corruption is you have, Brad Wenstrup, if somebody wants to do something, if we wanna change the world, email members of Congress, email Brad Wenstrup call his office and say, we think before we jab six year olds with Ozempic, we should fix our food system.

This thought literally didn't occur to him. So what's happening with this corruption, what's happening with obesity, with Alzheimer's, is the corruption is like, it doesn't even get to people even understanding that the boiling frog, it's just obviously we're just gonna find a drug, not ask why people are getting Alzheimer's.

Obviously we're just gonna jam six year olds with Ozempic and not ask why people are getting obese. And then, you know, I literally get talking points in the room as he starts thinking about it. Oh, it's hard, dietary initiatives are hard. And it's like, what's happening now is hard. Like going to a playground with my two-year-old son and seeing every kid clearly having issues, clearly dealing with obesity, like six years old, you know, seeing processed food all over the playground.

Like that, like what's happening now, poisoning ourselves en masse is pretty hard. So there are simple ways to do this. If Dr. Fauci in 2020 said COVID has strong metabolic links and we need to harden up our immune system, it's a problem, we're dying three times at a higher rate than the Japanese per capita. That's 16% of all COVID deaths are in the US, and we're like 4% of the population.

Like, this is a warning sign for our immune system. We need to shift the healthcare budget to getting fit, to incentivizing exercise, to fixing and talking to Will Harris and other regenerative farmers and consulting them on how to transform our food system, seeing that the medical system has co-opted what drugs are and what medicine is. Like, it's nothing short of a moral blind spot, that food and exercise aren't seen truly as drugs, that they aren't seen as interventions from the $4.5 trillion we spend on medical systems.

They do that in Europe. The Italians are three times less obese and diabetic than us. I don't think the Italians are more vigorous. I don't think Americans are lazier than Italians. Like there's something systemic happening where they spend three times less per capita on healthcare and two times more per capita on food. And they're living eight years longer. Eight years longer."

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