SB24-053 - "All" means "All"

1 month ago
31 "Racial Equity Study"
the “keep racism alive act”
over $600,000/year despite “THE INTENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THAT THE STUDY BE FUNDED ENTIRELY BY GIFTS, GRANTS, AND DONATIONS." You don't need a law with a $1,786,655 fiscal note for a private organization to reach their predetermined conclusions paid for by GG&D.
You need a $1,786,655 official study so its predetermined conclusions have the air of legitimacy when the reparations bill is brought forward.

When the State pays $1,786,655 for " History Colorado to study the ONGOING effects of slavery and subsequent systemic racism on Black Coloradans that MAY be attributed to practices, systems, and policies of the state, and establishes a commission to assist this effort and to contract for an economic impact study," you WILL get the supporting findings for a "Reparations" bill.

I guarantee that the history of slavery is much more complicated than the predetermined conclusions of History Colorado. It is telling that the 2020 riots in support of Joe Biden’s campaign were spawned in the bluest of blue cities—democrat blue, that is. Reparations is a carrot held out by the democrat party to keep people pulling their wagon towards the Leftist enslavement of all. It ignores the failing schools imposed by the Left, it neglects the destroyed infrastructure by the Left, it conceals the intentional destruction of the family by the Left. The continual machinations also serve the intention of concealing the present situation of “167 countries harboring an estimated 46 million slaves, including forced labor and sexual exploitation” by making slavery seem to be merely a sin of America’s past. It’s also a way for democrat “super delegates” to conceal the complicity of a party formed for the preservation and expansion of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and FDR’s protection of Lynch Laws in democrat controlled states, and the mission of their Patron Saint, Margaret Sanger, to eradicate those of African descent (
Ironically, the majority of the democrat caucus and the entirety of the democrat black caucus voted to continue using state funds extracted from taxpayers for the purpose of subsidizing products dependent on slave labor, thus encouraging the continuation of the practice. We know that over 300,000 unaccompanied children who crossed the border have likely been disappeared into some form of slavery or worse. Tens of millions have been imported without the protections of documentation, leaving them in a permanently exploitable and expendable status, sending money back to their home country to prop up tyrants & dictators under the pretense of liberal compassion.
“Gr$$n Energy” slavery
Racism was once considered to be the “Consensus” in science, spawned from the Darwinism still taught in our schools
“Races of Man. - At the present time there exist upon the earth five races or varieties of man, each very different from the other in instincts, social customs, and, to an extent, in structure. These are the Ethiopian or negro type, originating in Africa; the Malay or brown race, from the islands of the Pacific; the American Indian; the Mongolian or yellow race, including the natives of China, Japan, and the Eskimos; and finally, the highest race type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America.” Tracing through the ideas of selective breeding you arrive at the seeds of the holocaust and other atrocities, “ - If such people were lower animals, we would probably kill them off to prevent them from spreading.” Christianity was derided for not being in sync with “the science.”
It seems the same people who purged black history, purged Christianity as well, leaving the founders as “whites racists”, and those with dark skin having no roll but victimhood, as is taught by CRT.
The actual historical truth frees us up from the false narratives put in place to divide us.
You can even learn why “Hoosiers” are so-named, and some of the colonies’ first special forces hero’s.
American history is integrated history (vs the disintegrated history of “progressives “).

To understand the role of a KKK mentee in race relations, you could again look to history, and how “White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as “friends” come to help “liberate” their black brothers.”

You could look farther back to 1852 & an amazing speech by Mr Frederick Douglas. An escaped slave, making a case for liberation by the founding documents, since in a Republic, the God-given Rights of a minority are not contingent on a democratic decision (recalling the greater representation in the south).

Or, Booker T Washington from 1895. The students of his Tuskegee institute were in great demand throughout the south, where the institution of slavery had decimated skilled labor. (Slavery is really at odds with productivity due to enforcement costs). His efforts were lauded as making great inroads at unification… before the race riots, and leftists using them to promote their ideology at the expense of those they pretend(ed) to champion. As I recall from his book, there was quite a ovation following his speech.

Dr Thomas Sowell, provides an insightful overview of the age-old institution of slavery. African and Arab nations were the staunchest defenders of the slave trade, and it continued there long after it was illegal here.
“The real history of slavery”

The purpose of looking at actual history is not to assign blame, but to provide agency. The Critical Race Theory that posits that people are either aggressors/conquerors/superiors or victims on the premise of their phenotype is as racist as the Nazi Arian twist on Nietzsche’s Übermensch.
You can’t learn from rewritten history. The CRT historical illiteracy promoted by “useful idiots” is a type of white supremacy that characterizes darker phenotypes as inferior perpetual victims in need of white saviors.
Africa was characterized by great empires made weak by eagerly basing their economies on slavery. Eventually the traders became the traded, which is a reminder that Human Rights are “all for one, or none for all” so be careful how you choose. How do you assign blame? Is it the Africans and Arabs who captured and sold, or the Europeans who bought?
"Why is Africa still so poor?" provides one historian's assessment

Slavery statistics: where did they come from, and where did they go?

The African Slave Trade Wouldn't Have Been Possible without African Elites | Mises Wire
According to the American Abolitionists, “10-12 million Africans were sold into slavery by African-to-European slave traders. Some estimates run as high as 15 million…. Approximately 400,000 enslaved individuals were brought to the British North American colonies and the United States by the African slave trade before it was outlawed in 1808.” Which was less than 20 years after the Constitution of the United States went into effect.

None of this absolves any of the horror of slavery, but a Reparations study isn’t meant to “repair” it’s intent is to rend and conceal.

page & line from the introduced bill:
P10,L24: “SCOPE” is TBD

Despite that Colorado was never a slave state, despite the KKK referenced was and is a Democrat institution, and to include persons who immigrated into Colorado to escape actual racism in their own country.

Note: Rep Ricks is an immigrant to this country, arriving with her parents who fled violence in her home country. She is now offended that the country that provided her refuge was not founded in perfection.

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