Pfizer CEO Facing Life in Prison for Lying to Billions About COVID Vaccine

4 months ago

🔻🔻 Concerned for Truth Rogerkuo53🔻🔻
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Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla’s bare-faced lies that fueled one of the biggest health scandals in recent history. Bourla assured the world that COVID-19 vaccines were safe and effective, raking in hundreds of billions of dollars as a result.

But for countless individuals, those assurances have come at a devastating cost—vaccine injuries, careers cut short, lives lost, and children left without parents, with many children collapsing from heart failure themselves.

While the mainstream media continues gaslighting the masses into believing children have always suffered cardiac arrests, a Dutch judge is taking the first steps towards holding the Covid cabal accountable.

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This Is The Real Great Awakening! More and more people are snapping out of the spell, waking up and beginning to see It All! All I really want is to help the ones waking up with me and after me to have a fighting chance to Break The Illusion, See The Lies, The Complete Deception Of This World! Never Go Against Your Gut Instinct, Its There For A Reason!💯 And Remember NO FEAR!!! Just Be Aware & Prepared!!!
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